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Position #7 won July's Sex Poses Poll! It will be featured in my next video! However, it's not going to be the Part 3 of Alicia x Amy after all.

The reason for that is that  as much as Alicia and Amy are really fun to do stuff with, I like using different characters too! I also feel like 3 months straight is a bit too much for using only 2 characters, considering that I have so many, and more to comes. Despite all that, it doesn't mean that Alicia x Amy is done for. Their story is coming to an important point (that you will get to understand more in my upcoming comic) and they will very likely come back in the future. So if Alicia x Amy was your jam, worry not! They'll be back eventually ;)

So now what is next month's video gonna be? Well... we might see a bit of a teaser in the upcoming comic... And another will come soon as well! Only thing I'm gonna say right now is that it's gonna be with 2 new characters!

Last thing, like I said before, is that there is gonna be another poll posted soon. So we'll get another positions of your choice to get featured in the upcoming video. Hope you all have a nice day, I'll see you guys soon with more content!




I agree I was hoping you would use more different characters instead of the same ones in videos back to back.


Yeah I think sometime it can be great to have 2 videos in a row with the same characters to make the storytelling better, but I think I'll keep changing characters pretty often still.


I like the AmyXAlica pairing but also was hoping for some variety. Just wondering if all videos now will have the voice acting and interaction style like those do? It really adds to the videos you've made recently.


Love the daytime sex in Heated reunion, I noticed that most of the videos are dark it's nice to see a bit brighter. Here are some ideas for locations you might use in the future, how about under the bleachers at a college football game (maybe with Charlie), or off a dirt bike path, in a garage at a race track, or and this one might be challenging a moving glass elevator you might see the background either day or night (day preferably). Just some interesting choices for future videos. Keep up the great work!


Alright! Looking forward to it! Personally, I'm fine with Alicia & Amy, but I'm a bit worried other patrons may want to see other girls or their favorites in action too.