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I'm trying to get better with lighting in my videos. I always ended up doing whatever looked nice, but now I want to actually learn what makes light great. This is my first attempt, what do you guys think?




It looks great! Question though, are they parked in an alley? If so the shadows should be a bit darker. Otherwise the positioning of the shading looks good.


They are in an alley... To be honest the lighting doesn't really make sense, it's just supposed to look good. Otherwise we wouldn't see anything from where they are haha. And I did make the shadow darker at first but we couldn't see as much and I thought that the whole purpose of a video like this is to... see the characters.

John McCarthy

Hey T.F ... did you see what Bigjohnson just put out after 2 years ? ...

John McCarthy

Go look on porn hub ... 30 min's long ...


@Terrible Fairy heres the link: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ced91b18f52b


It is pretty great! It must have took forever to do that video haha. I see that there was a lot of people involved too.


really nice. comparing it to the first teaser you did this month with the same position, theres a massive improvement.


Turning out awesome thanks for the hard work! :)


Looks good, although it's apparent that their lower extremities would not be lit so well and so consistently, I'm sure you decided to toss pure realism out the window. After all, lighting in a parked car would obscure much of what we want to see.

John McCarthy



Yeah like seriously, the car is parked in some sort of underground garage entrance. There would normally be absolutely no light there except the light from inside the car haha.