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Me and my website creator Kyuu are up to some exciting update for Deruupanda.art website in the future. Here is our plan

- Love Button: Ain't nobody have time to go back to patreon after reading the page in my website, but you soon will be able to instantly press a love to show how much you like the page!

- Comment Box: We know you're just learning on how to type and expressing your mind, you're all but a baby after all, so we understand how troublesome it will be to reading the page in the website but should commenting at Patreon. With that Comment Box, you can just type your mind after reading, in the website itself!

- Badge: Just like getting a sunny stickers after waking up dry. Or rainy stickers after waking up wet, you'll get a reward by doing certain task, for example, you'll get a title of Diaper King, after commenting 100 times, and Master of Soaking Pamps after 1000 times.

A little badge of your icon will also show in which tier you are, keep the progress, and be part of the community!

But don't be a naughty baby by SPAMMING message~ We have anti SPAM on, and better type something worth the while, because some badge can only be aquired by doing special things, like getting love in your comment box for commenting good things~



very cool! And indeed, as there is currently no button on the website I always forget to comment or 💜 the page :0 (even though they are pretty lovely :P) Will the comments be linked to the patreon submission or will they be saved on the website itself?