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After working on the poll, i have decided

Ruu are based on me in real life, and i'm a bi myself, but i choose to have a relationship with girl, though Ruu will have a romantic 'brother' like relation with Yuzu, like changing diaper or touching.

Ruu are still going to have a relationship with girl in the future, but i won't put up any strict about it. and he is free to be taken care by yuzu anytime they want, the girl wouldn't mind

I don't know how to said that term in english well, but i hope my reader would understand through future episodes



sounds good to me Ruu~


Your putting the time and effort into making it, whatever you want to happen sounds good. Relationship writing can be can hard, complex and easy to misunderstand… I do not envy you right now.


You always make amazing work Ruu just do you :D


I can't wait to see it


Aye aye captain, you know what's best! Your comics are gold!