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Greetings all! Holy hell, what a year-! Lets hope 2021 is a bit better!

I'm going to update the $1 tier to exclude early access, as I'm just posting stuff now due to patreons rules on NSFW content

What's the plans for next month you may wonder?

Free Comics
-New page of genies wish- Futa onahole TF
-A free giantess comic (Taken from characters suggested from Discord suggestions over the holidays)
-My OC demon girl butt crush

$5 tier next month
-5 to 6 more pages of Zero two comic, this part might get foot orientated
-Toilet TF page 8

$10 tier
Alternate pages of free content
None futa version of genies wish

That right there- is a pretty packed schedule again ^_^ I'm hoping to toss in some extra stuff too, possibly finally get down to do animations and such too.

Q: Didn't you say you'd do the butt crush this month?
A: I planned the month around working every day- then forgot about Christmas... then got stuck at parents place with new lockdown rules :) Uh- but yeah! It'll be free

Q: What about the alt page of the butt crush comic?
A: I'll be sending it around to Decembers $10 tier- it is only fair since I announced it would be done before hand!

Q: I subscribed on or after the 28th and patreon is getting ready to charge me again?
A: I'm not a fan of Patreons billing method... it charges on the 1st of the month every month. If you let it roll over to the next month and pop over a message I'll issue out a refund for the previous month :)



Hope can more object tf like panties tf


did you know 2021 is twenty twenty won?


I'm totally going to try to fit something like that in :P