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Due to a few updates to the site I'll have to make a few changes to how I'm posting. You might of noticed a few things slowly changing if you've been around for a little bit.

I'm pretty sure I know why these changes are being made, but it is pretty frustrating none the less!

So- please have a look at my updated about page for information on where short stories will be posted in the future and where the free content has gone.

Additionally, some of the changes effect early access pictures
Since early access sets things to public automatically, I've essentially lost this feature in Patreon. Good news for people short on cash- I'll be making things free as soon as it is posted!

This does effect the $1 tier though, in that it no longer has any benefits. For now, it's going to be a bit of a 'thanks' tier. In the near future I might set it up as a voting tier for some of the pictures (Not the monthly comics) or perhaps access to a Patreon only chat of some kind.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Sorry that my present is bureaucracy related. Check the About page at the top of my page to see what other changes there are.

In short, scenarios won't be posted here, free content is banned on patreon so everything from now on will be patreon only on this page.

To counteract I'm putting free content on Twitter/ DA/ Subscribestar. Subscribestar will also have scenarios (Short stories) on some of it's pictures. Patreon users will need to link their Discords up to Patreon to get the short stories on certain pictures.

Sorry for the inconvenience- I'll be posting my Aqua picture sometime today, scenario will be on Discord/ Subscribestar.

Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.adult/teniko
Discord linking instructions for Patreons: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role



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