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Picked up an old rough doodle and decided to use it to put some new procedures into proper action. I didn't actually go in intending to go full render, I was initially planning simple but ended up giving myself a specific amount of hours I was required to work on it, with an adtl. specific rule that alts can only be explored after the main piece is done, within the remaining given time as a way of improving efficiency; basically treating alts as a bonus fully subservient to the main piece instead of carving time or focus away in advance to force 'em in.

Personally it's a much more satisfying approach than has been before that I'd like to carry forward as a more regular thing.  Probably have to at least sketch and color draft them out up front if things are getting more complex, but if they don't have to, when it comes to a full piece, it literally saves upwards of hours to take alts off the main plan and not go through adtl lines and flats in the middle. Just works better and means fewer things that have to be backtracked and edited to fit again if something else changes in the foundation.




Mhrfff I have a need 🤤🖤