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We sit down with Sound.xyz founder David Greenstein to discuss the many different experiments and approaches happening to revalue music within the Ethereum ecosystem, touching on Spotify, TikTok and the traditional music industry in contrast.

Full disclosure, we contributed a small sum to Sound's seed investment round. 

Follow David: https://twitter.com/dgreenstein1 

Follow Sound: https://twitter.com/soundxyz_ 




Whenever I risk feeling jaded about the space, Interdependence delivers an episode that triggers all sorts of ideas…again. 🙌👏🙌👏 Lots of cool ideas but the one that lead me to write this is… “Distribution of the work is part of the work itself. It’s a part of the artist’s gesture.” - Matly / Hollt


FWIW, I was curious about what had happened to Silento after you mentioned him. Once I figured out how to spell "nae nae" (after someone on Reddit mentioned it), I looked him up. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Silent%C3%B3#/Legal_issues