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We've been wanting to have this conversation for some time! Scott Moore joins us to discuss Gitcoin's efforts to sustain open source developers, the emerging culture shock between late 20th century free software ideologies and new proposals to get developers paid (which parallels a lot of the culture shock happening in the art and music world rn), discuss the role crypto may play in funding and sustaining public goods, and deviate into why setting good precedent may be important in anticipation of rapid onset AI. 

We sound a little croaky for this episode and the next one because we had a bit of COVID in the house. All is good now thankfully. Stay safe out there everyone, and thanks <3

Gitcoin: https://gitcoin.co/ 

Follow Scott: https://twitter.com/notscottmoore 

Gitcoin grants: https://gitcoin.co/grants/ 

Quadratic Funding primer: https://wtfisqf.com/?grant=&grant=&grant=&grant=&match=1000 

Review of Optimism Funding: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/11/16/retro1.html 

Original 'Dependency' cartoon by xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2347/ 




This is a great one. I like the phrase "Borg Complex" and the "There will be drama" in nft land


Do you have a place to discuss your blog or is this the place? I have been thinking about the issue of training material for models in the context of art and the creation of NFTs. Do you know of anyone building a dApp that would allow artists to submit their NFT to be in a library of training material that would pay out a percentage of sales on any NFT art that was generated from a model trained with their art? I could imagine some api integration with Runway ML or Google Colab. I am trying to figure out how the revenue could be divided up. It would need a rollup or layer 2 to make such small transactions economically feasible. I did not think we would be trying to find a way to to microtransactions again. Maybe there is a bank of alt-tokens that can be cashed out when the value reaches a level that makes converting them to eth or fiat viable.


that will be coming soon! We are actually working on something complimentary to this, shoot me a DM :)