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Hi everyone!! We often have discussions on here about web 3 representing a real opportunity for the independent music industry, and Bruno Guez is an expert on how that might end up transpiring, from his time working as a label head, directing the Merlin Network and more recently in building Revelator.  

Check out Revelator: https://revelator.com/ 

Follow Bruno on Twitter: https://twitter.com/brunoguez?lang=en 




IM IN!!!


Hearing an explanation of the technicalities of getting Revelator up and running I see many similarities to tasks I've done elsewhere, in digital banking and Wikidata. At the heart is a document-oriented data model, with data warehousing for processing and analytics, and an app-based end-user interface for data input and action-taking. This suggests that lots of the solutions for digitisation are only different in focus, rather than execution. The root of technological change is user-oriented design as opposed to old process-oriented design (e.g. labels running accounting software for their music contracts). Bruno's comments on the expense of running the Revelator chain on Ethereum I think speaks to the future of blockchain. Movement from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake on Etherium will move transaction validation from a mathematical realm to a social one, which will reduce costs, but also highlight the value of using private blockchains instead of public ones. In terms of whether openness and community power can be maintained in this form of digital technology, the crunch points are threefold. Who can provide input into the data model design? Who has ownership of the processing platform? Who can affect the app design? W3C is leading on standards and open data modelling communities, but a lack of community-based hosting and app solutions suggest that closed-platform outcomes are likely.