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On a warm night, when the bonfire is blazing, she'll steal just a spark and trace her dance through the air.

Consider this some dance practice. For years, this coyote girl lived in my mind, spinning fire and yipping away. Always in that collar and loincloth. But she managed to work her way into this piece a few years ago, as well as this beautiful commission from iPoke, and it was that commission that finally got me to draw her like this.

And all you yote characters are so lucky... there's so many ways to interpret their color variations, you've basically got infinite possibilities.




She’s beautiful...

Little Napoleon

Nothing better than scratching the itch of drawing a long-time vision! Glad you were able to find time for it ^^ The mind whirls at the possibilities--and challenges!--of trying to paint this scene with the instruments lit!

Admiral Storm

This is very lovely, the pose and the feeling of motion is just perfect for this image and the coyote herself is simply beautiful


Lovely tummy!


Cool to see a background character making it to the foreground :) Very lovely!


Have you decided how good she is with those poi canonically compared with you?


This is really awesome piece. I love the simple leaf 🌿 graphics in the background. This would make a swell t-shirt.


That'll come in a moment of weakness, when I feel confident in my painting abilities |3


just gorgeous <3 Love the pose and as usual the great sense of weight you bring to your characters