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So we found a Diverticula on the left side of my colon where a lot of the pain was originating. It looks like it might have been infected and was causing all of these issues for the past for years. Including the inflammation that murdered my gallbladder and damaged my nervous system.

I was finally able to go down and work on my basement today! I had gotten to the point where I could barely physically function and my motivation was far below dwindling. Doing art felt... cumbersome and impossible.

We'll be checking my nervous system and seeing what we can do to repair it soon. It should repair itself on it's own- but that might take years without help. So I'm going to do my best to help it.

Thanks to everyone that stuck with me, and I understand why so many did not.

A lot of artists have been making the claim that they've been getting sick- but knowing what I do about the American Medical System: I believe them.

Everything that happened to me... could have EASILY been avoided. They just didn't want to run the tests.




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