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Bringing back sunday doodles with this practise doodle I've scribbled today to combine some Anatomy bits and angles I've been trying to work on and study more while also just setting a good example for the eventuality I mentioned in discord of adding a new kind of rendering for the patreon commissions next month by just. Using said rendering for my practise doodle :) 

so here's some 'just for fun' practise doodle featuring some casual nudity with Kiran, who's still my very favorite character choice to scribble for whatever so she gets to be pantsless this time 😌✨ if are wondering about the cropping yes originally she had feet but they did not turn out as good as I hoped to on first sketching and since this was aupposed to be a relaxing, stress-free doodle I just cropped them out 🙈
