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Last commission for the month is officially done! 🙌💖 AND man did I have a blast with this I kid you not, I had so much fun with the rendering, god do I love rendering juicy anatomy and I finally got to draw Idunn!! I think I mentioned it before but I've been wanting to draw her for a really long time but never had any good picture ideas where I was like 'yeah I want to draw this' . Also first time someone actually asked for a monochromatic commission!! It's my prefered style for my own quicker self-indulgent nsfw doodles so really happy somebody else was also interested in it! Thank you so much for commissioning me and I'm wishing all of you a lovely weekend! 💕

I might do some minor fixes as usual on this tomorrow, after I've gotten some sleep and if there's something I spot, if I do you'll get notified about it. 🙏

 God I love women




Women are pretty rad, extra points if they're also a dragon :)


Absolutely wonderful 🥺


I am SO happy with how this turned out still, so thank you so much!! 😭🥺💕