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Finally posting this here too, my apologies for the delay considering I have yeeted it on my twitter a few days ago already, but as I've been saying a few times in discord already I'm currently dealing with a period of very heavy fatigue caused by my chronic illness and while I'm grateful that it's 'just' that and not worse symptoms, the past few days have not been great for me thanks to that and it's why I've been fairly slow this month so far 😔

It's been getting a bit better again in the past two days but I still get fatigued very easily and feeling exhausted at all times so I'm asking for a little more patience until I'm doing better again until I'll be drawing alot again since overdoing it will just make it worse for me again so I'm currently only working on simpler projects on the to-do list. I will of course be working on the more complex things like the Grima WIP I have as soon as my body allows me to again. I'm already doing what I can to help keeping my flare under control and to not make it worse but as I mentioned a few times in the past too, there is no medication that just 100% magically makes POTS go away or get better instantly, even salt can only do so much😞 So I just wanted to mention that here again as well just so you guys know. 🙏

SO! The health stuff aside, here's some quick little doodles I've been making on the side after I've been asked a bunch if I'm going to draw a smol Kiran too to the little Grima I've doodled and I was a little torn about actually doing it but well, I just went for it.

So here's some actual Kiran lore from the vault that I never really talk about aside from with close friends but I've been dropping some hints for years now. Yes I do have alot of thoughts and lore about this 🙈

As I said on twitter already, child Kiran is VERY different from adult Kiran, one of the reasons I was a bit wary about actually drawing her was the implications here being not really positive, I ended up toning it down a little since I didn't want it to be too negative but yeah as I mentioned a few times, alot about Kiran's backstory, especially pre-Askr isn't exactly happy and there are reasons for why she gets along with Grima pretty well and also never wants to return back to the world of steel.

The ugly clothing choices are a conscious choice here, they were not chosen by Kiran herself and rather what her parents choose for her, same with her overall appearance, she didn't have much of a saying in what she looks like so you have the stark difference of her either getting all dolled up like a pretty little princess in clothes she hates for any social event where her parents want to make a good impression on others and pat themselves on the shoulders for being "good parents" while they present Kiran as an ungrateful and disrespectful brat that doesn't appreciate the great treatment her parents give her that's just a burden to them vs. The actual reality 95% of the time where they do not care about her at home or around people where her parents feel like it doesn't matter which is just. Neglect and putting her into ugly hand me down clothes that they got for free and it's all boy's clothes because her parents originally wanted a son and never bothered with actually buying proper every day clothes for her. So she just looks like that.

Neither of these are good haha but the feral creature is certainly at least a bit happier because she gets unlimited freedom (which does come from a total lack of supervision or interest in her but we do not talk about that).

Also to no one's surprise yes little Kiran was a weird little dinosaur kid, the love for big reptiles really started young 🤣

As soon as she turned 18 and got her bodily autonomy for the first time tough, she cut off all that hair and changed that terrible haircut.




Am I allowed to hit her parents with a skeleton divine death blast?


Dude the amount of people I see that completely disregard POTS is ridiculous, but I guess since it presents itself in so many different ways they're probably like "Pffft you just want special treatment" or something idk people are mean


I feel like alot of people don't know that POTS can vary alot in severity with some people so disabled by it that they literally can barely leave the house or walk and that there's several different types of POTS too which is a big part on why there is no one kind of treatment/ management that works for all, let alone some magical medication that fixes it. I might've been gotten alot better at managing mine but occassionally no matter what I do and how hard I try, I still get flare ups and it'll most likely always be like that, considering it is a chronic illness 😅 So idk. I hope people just understand that, I don't have much of an influence over these things happening even if I do my best with ideal diet/salt intake/being mindful of my limits & my gentle exercise routine, it's still not a guarantee that there aren't any flares or symptoms showing. It's why I try to be vocal about it.