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Hey y'all and happy March! 🙌💖 

As I said on discord yesterday, I'll be dropping this post here once I'm done with the ko-fi comms since there's not really something super immediate time sensitive on this month's schedule and since I just dropped the last one here we are! 

First thing first, I've re-opened the patreon commission form yesterday already and dropped the link on Discord but telling you guys here as well! It'll stay open until tomorrow afternoon, also featuring a whole new commission type to choose from, after I asked if you guys would be interested in me adding it, so if you want to change your submission let me know! 🙌  Keep in mind that the newly added pinup style commissions are one character only, as it is noted in the form and have separate pricing to the other two options! 

As always, thank you guys so much for the interest and the feedback when I ask what you'd be interested in, it helps me alot 🙏💕 

If you have any questions about the commission form, don't hesitate to ask! 

The voting poll will go live on friday, if you have character suggestions for it please drop them in the comments below! Since it's the year of the dragon, dragon characters are prefered but not a must! Don't think there will be a rough theme this month but we'll see C: Bunny girl warmup doodle character suggestions can still be dropped either in the character suggestions channel or the request room for this month.

I'm also currently investigating an issue with the patreon bot on discord, that has been happening in the past two months to a very limited number of people (it's been three so far) where the bot has been wrongly taking away roles, as I said on discord already I've been even contacting the patreon support about it because there is genuinely no indicator or any reason I can see from my side on why this has been happening. They responded to me earlier today that they have reconfigured the bot so hopefully that has solved the issue but if it still persists I should message them again. So here's to hoping that it solved it for good, my apologies again that this was happening in the first place 😔🙏 I know it's beyond my control but still, it shouldn't happen in the first place.

My non-working art time this month will be dedicated to more self-indulgence and practise, been having alot of fun with doodling again this year so far and I'd love to keep going with it, I currently have another piece of Kiran art in the works plus a bunch of WIPs I'd love to work on 😌💕

For the chocolate tier people, please send me your sketch request between the 20-24th this month! Via Discord DM and make sure your submission follows the sketch rules! 🙏

I will not be doing any point trade-ins this month to not overload my schedule, I hope you guys understand. There will however be more bunny warmup doodles :)

That's all for now, I hope I didn't forget anything, if I did please remind me!  Spring is officially here so I hope you guys will get to enjoy some warm sunny days outside and enjoy some blooming flowers! 🙏💕 Thank you so much for your support and I hope you all will have a lovely March! 💖


Pig Assault

Zero (Drakengard 3)


Haven't played the game so I'm not familiar with the character but just looked her up and 👀