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The FAQ will be in constant updates.


About the 40$ reward:

The rewards in this category aren't garanteed to happen each month, we are checking if can include more rewards in the future to this tier, but for now be aware of this please! Sometimes we will think new projects and we will reveal them first to 40$ patrons. For more info about the cameos, scroll down a bit.

What do the Star and number on the icons mean?

They represent the number of Vote Points you have.

What are Vote Points?

The Vote Points are how many votes you have in total for events such as voting for a character, the Funding shop or other things. You can split your votes between options if you wish. You can participate in all the events with full votes as they refresh in each new event. For voting in the Funding Shop you need to be tier 5$.

Do you plan on doing raffles or commission rewards?

No, Raffles are against Patreon terms of service. As for the commissions, I want to leave those outside of Patreon since my goal is mostly doing my own projects here.

Can you explain further the last reward at 40$ (your OC (or a friend one) cameo in some of the comics?

The reward about including your character in some of the comics works like this:

In certain parts of a comic plot there will be scenes, in which a cameo can happen, a notification will occur and “Slots” will be open for specific cameo types, sometimes just a portrait or mention, and sometimes a whole scene or adult scene.

Each patron has a total income support, as long you stay on the 40$ tier, you’ll be able to use that past support (life time support) to include a character of yours or a friend one. Depending on the life-time support you did, is how much relevance your character will take. I’ll give 3 quick examples:

Examples: (The following numbers can vary)

  • A Patron with a 40$ life time support has the chance to appear in a small cameo, 1 panel appearance, a mention, portraits in a room, or the character passing by.
  • A Patron with around 150$ life time support, has the chance to appear as a secondary character, and appearing briefly in the story, having speech or interacting with the character outside of the adult scenes, maybe around 2 pages.
  • Patron with more than 400$ life time support will be able to include their character for a whole scene, included adult situations, these ones can last even more than 4 pages.

Once a Patron decides to use their life time support, I’ll take note of it and the patron will start “collecting again” from zero (or depending on the extent of the cameo of their character).

The Patron doesn’t need to use all of the life time support at once; it can be used partially to offer flexibility. If you have any questions please send me a private message.


What is the Funding Shop?

The Funding Shop is a Voting Event in which the content produced each month is decided via the votes of Patrons. Income received from Patrons is distributed based on the result and will determine which content gets funded and the quantity of each.

What is the “Value” in each option? (Updated after February 2019)  

Is just the points it requires to produce that content, sometimes the number can change; it depends on the idea and the type of content.

How does the mechanic work? (Updated after February 2019) 

There is a total of 500 Value each month. After patrons has voted, the 500 value will be divided by the number of total votes, for example if there was 80 votes in total, 500/80 = 6.25. That means each vote has a value of 6.25 in that month, and if you voted 10 for Change of Rules, then in that scenario you contributed with 62 Value of the 120 needed. Fractions and decimals are passed to the Support Box.

What is the “Reserve” in each option?

Once the voting is over and the total income is distributed between options, most of the time the result won’t be exact. For example if a Comic page needs 100 and it gets 140, the 40 remaining goes to the “Reserve” and it will remain in stand-by until next voting, that way the page will just need another 60 in the next voting to be funded.

What is the Support Box?

Is an option you can choose when you don't mind where the income will go. For example, any income collected there can go to any of the contents, sometimes to content that got stuck, needs help or simply chosen by mood.


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