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This post will be split into a few segments. This way you can jump to what you want to read.

Regarding the Last Poll

I was fully intending to make and upload a few pages of The Loud Comic. Sadly due to the health issues I've been dealing with, I was unable to set aside the time to draw them. I still do plan to have them done and setting out plans to have them done this month.

Heath Issues

This has been stumping me for a while. I have been unable to find any source for my dizzy spells and major migraines. By the time of this post I will be a few days away from getting blood tests done and hopefully finding out just what the heck is going on. Because of this I have also been having troubles with my regular medication. The knock on effect of this is that I'm trying to set everything straight, so I can think/work more clearly. 

Future Projects

It always a problem with quantity over quality with me. I'm not the first person that keeps wanting to do something without finishing what they did before, but I am trying to fix that. I can ask what you guys want, but I already know the answers. Being able to fulfil these requests kinds scares me as I'm always worried about failing to meet what you want. This year has messed me up and I feel like I lost a lot of footing with my abilities. I'm hoping to narrow a few things down and with your help, get something started.

Patreon Requests

That Strange Robot Lisa Pic Update

This will be made into a music video. I have more work to do, but it's coming along together ok. 


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