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Happy Monday!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I wasn't feeling well towards the end of last week. Managed to finish commission wips and posts that was planned but it blended onto the weekend.

This hasn't happened in a while but I want to get back to sharing crops of my exclusive art every month with my patrons. Above are two that were finished over the weekend of the new legendary pokemon from Sword and Shield (bottom one is an alt). The pics and their alts, sketches, and psds are for Lvl.7 patrons in the next content package. Feels a bit awkward posting the crops on the 1st but I'll try to not let that happen again next time.

Today I'll be finishing off lots of commission that'll appear in the feed either tonight or tommorrow. Still feeling down and slow so Im going to take it easy this week but still get things done that were planned.

Edit - the size of the crop was blown up for some reason so I adjusted them horizontally



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