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Sam got caught snoopin' during a mission to some facility run by bad guys :0
Rookie mistake for a seasoned spy at this point... =     v  =/ Hopefully one of her friends and fellow spies will come to her rescue soon ye...?


(/  。               ﹃        ゚)/ bwewewehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

Haha I finally managed to get this comicy scenario doneeeee T   v T/ I've had like three days this past week where someone had to come over to my apartment to repair something so I had quite a few moments where I couldn't work on this in front of them ahhhhhhhhh-
I'm happy it's finished tho aha I wanna work on other stuffssss T   U T

I decided to go with cel shading on this one (like I did for Erina Nakiri and some others in the past X3c) to help try to match the art style of Totally Spies a bit~
But anywayssss, hope y'all like!~ T WT/ Thanks for being patient with me as always bwaaaaa-

[Sidenote: I gave Sam bigger booba on purpose to further emphasize the aging-up for this scenario~
(   。                   ω    ゚)/ I know the spies became university students in the later seasons ww but stillllll aha XD]


You can view the finished draws and all of the WIPs in the dropbox belowww:





Great job. Get some rest and relax.


Glad you got it done despite the repairs! The cel shading is great and big booba is always welcome in my book lol

Momo Trotro

Best spy^^ Turned out wonderfully Mag, lovely work:D

Joe Dover

Hell to the yeah, I love this 👍


“3 more spies” 👀


Outstanding work as always. It was well worth the wait. 😁


This is simply beautiful. Great work.


Really amazing job, Magnolia! Love the way the gags squish the cheeks in the tape wrapped variant, and even the slighter squishes in the otm and otn versions. Also love the way you colored this, it looks like it came out straight from the show.

Zack Morris

I'm sure they'll let her go by the time Season 7 finally airs. This turned out great!


Absolutely stunning!


Amazing as always!!!


It's easy to be patient when your art is always worth the wait! And I (totally) spy some spicy alts as well, so this is doubly so. :) I sympathize with the home repairs. We're getting some repairs done to our place as well right now, and it's definitely been a process. Thanks for the treat, Mags! Here's hoping you'll be able to hold another "Help Mags decide" poll so you can snag another of your to-draw gals. :)


I just paid $3, can I see the whole thing where Samantha got caught


; V ;/ AHHHH thank yaaa!!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ And yeeee that'd be fun to try again!~ T v T/


AHHH, ab-SAM-lutely beautiful work MagMag! Such a SAM-blence of your out-SAM-thing talent! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) You're amazing, you know that???


\; U ;/ AHHH thanks so much Dioooo!!~ You're too kind (and also amazing), you know that??? (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞


Hehe thank you MagMag! So super kind of you too! I should have said you are amaz-SAM! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)