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Comment below on which one you'd choose out of the three ;3 Is gud to have a variety~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehehehehehehe


Ahoi y'all!~ (  。                        ◁     ゚)/
After spending quite a bit of time last week playing Xenoblade 3 and taking a bit of a short break, I've been getting myself warmed back up with some stuffs hereee~ X3c (No I still haven't finished the gam yet... T    v  T/ I'm on Chapter 4 still aha)

For starters, I kinda polished up and cel-shaded these doobles of the ninja wives Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru from Demon Slayer! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Which is a series I've still yet to read/watch = v=/ Seems to be the norm with a lot of the grils I draw huh XDc baha

Anyways, got a lil more to post within these next couple days then I'ma get back to these bigger projects againnnn~ I know many Honoraries have been looking forward to me continuing Hiromi's training scenario so I think that's up next >:3c hehe kunoichi everywhereeeee~


You can view the finished draws in the dropbox belowww:





I keep coming back to this post and everytime it makes me more certain you NEED to draw Mitsuri and Shinobu from Demon Slayer




I wanted to buy Xenoblade 3 but unfortunately I have other expenses. Maybe another time. Coming back to your works, I like the way you show in your drawings the sense of helplessness (or joy) of abducted girls. And as like always great work. :) Difficult choice so I take all three. :D


This looks fantastic and I’ll take Hinatsuru please and thank you


Isjashahajjaajajahabqajhh 0-0


Makio, love a girl who try’s to fight back


Yes the three babes 😩thank you


YES! SO MUCH YES!!! Fricking stunning Mag, I applaud you! (I'd choose Makio >:3c)


Easily would take Suma, she’s too adorable not too.


Awesome work, Mag! I think I'll take Hinatsuru after very difficult decision between all three ladies! Hope you continue to enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles 3! I loving it so far!


I admire your willpower to be able to take a break from Xenoblade to do anything else. Haha I'm loving it as well, and I actually just started Chapter 4 on my playthrough! I keep getting sidetracked by all the exploring and stuff. Demon Slayer is really good! I haven't seen the latest season yet, so I'm not as familiar with these ladies, but I'm looking forward to getting to know them. :)


XPc haha it's taking me quite a bit of willpower not to power my Switch back on XD But draws must get doneee! >:0 And yeeee I've still yet to see anything Demon Slayer-related but I've seen these grils around the DiD block X3c Some more than others aha!


Absolutely adorable work Magnolia, love the corresponding gag colors, and well…of course all that ropework~ Not to mention, you’ve really captured Demon slayer’s style! Absotootly amazing Magnoli~💕


Super lovely as always, MagMag! Hope you enjoy Xeno and definitely check out Demon Slayer when you get a chance! :)