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The winner for July is Yor Forger from Spy x Family!~ I shouldn't really be surprised considering how she's pretty much the waifu of the season XP But I still am a bit surprised at her numbers considering I just recently did a dooble of her too aha (  。               ω      ゚) Y'all wanna see more Yor I guessss!~ 

She's also now the new recordholder for most votes in a poll at 174 🏆
:O The record was previously held by both Princess Suki and Pyra, who tied in May 2021 at 150 each~

Thanks for voting y'all!~ (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
I'm slowly but surely making progress into my big backlog of projects, including the previous poll winners T   v T/ I'm actually about to post one of them here in a sec, and then I shall continue work on the other big'un! ( งㅇ             ω     ꒪)ง See y'all in literally another couple seconds~ XP




174?! Dang, people really love Yor 0_0

Joe Dover

So…is this pic gonna be a continuation of that sketch you did? o3o


Aw only one winner this time. Well at least it’s a good winner.


Yor won. What a surprise. 🙄


This'll be a new scenario since the theme for this poll was swimwear!~ 👙 Plus, the scenario suggested with her is different from my last dooble too aha XP


Well, well, well. Yor move now, Magnolia! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)