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Marin's decided to try out a bondage roleplay photoshoot with some doods who took interest in her modeling for photos after seeing her cosplay~ Perhaps she's planning to use the photos from the shoot to tease Gojo somehow? XP

She seems to be having a fun time acting like she's in distress for the camera aha X3c As long as everything with the shoot keeps going the way she thinks, everything should be all goooood.... >              v   >

T          v    T7 Bwaaaaaah I've sketched out all this scenario and all the alts planned for it... so many ahhhhhhhhhhhhh- There are still quite a few alts (gugs, etc.) that I haven't shared yet but they'll be revealed in timeeeee T vT/ I see some things I wanna fix with 'em tooooo =       v   =/

Trying to nail Kitagawa's smile and her expressions was a bit of a challenge to get to look oki, but I'm pretty happy with how things are goin' so far yee~ X3 

Hope y'all enjoy the progress so far y'all!~ ( /  。          ◁゚)/ Apartment prep is still kicking my butt a bit but I'm still drawin' whenever I cannnnnn! ( ಥ          v   ಥ)7


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~





Those speech bubbles are basically like gag-talk; same noise/word spoken repeatedly with minor alterations. :3 Marin looking cute as ever too! Great stuff, Mag!


Lookin' good. Looking forward to the gag alts too! *psst* OTN *psst*


Just absolutely stunning Mag! She seems to be getting more than she bargained for. < w < Oh well, she couldn't have known how dangerous the dimension-hopping faceless goons were! If only Leuedai could warn her... not that she would ;)


Looks absolutely incredible! I'm honestly speechless lol. So excited for more updates on this one! 😍


Hoo boy. It's hard to imagine anyone other than Marin being anime-girl-of-the-year, what with how many people are drawing her. This scenario you've put together is refreshingly original! Loving it, and you absolutely nailed Marin's facial expressions. :) Super well done! Can't wait to see the finished version (just don't run yourself ragged!) Also side note, Jam-Orbital uploaded their Marin picture today too! What funny timing. I think with that, almost all of the people I follow on Patreon have done her. :)


Super cute! Feels like you don’t do leashes much in your pics so it’s nice to see that here! Also the touch of Marin’s text being “speech bubs” in gag speak is a cute touch~


Absolutely amazing! I think this is gonna be one of my favorites, I can’t wait to see it completed. 😁


> v > heheheheheheh knowing Leu she'd wanna join in~ On either role (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ And thanks Mafiaa!~ XP


Hehe thank yaaaaa!~ X3c And yeeee I saw Jam's draws too! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Marin's been super popular yeeeee XP Altho it seems a certain assassin is starting to climb the ranks as the new top waifu of the season too > v >/


XPc hehe thank yaaa!~ Yee I don't do leashes all that often but it was suggested in her scenario so I figured why not X3c One of Marin's cosplays in her anime actually includes a chain collar which is what I referenced when drawing this one! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞

Jack Z

This is looking fantastic so far, looking forward to this one. Guess Marin was too focused on teasing Gojo that she didn’t think of the consequences of this situation ;3


You definitely nailed Marin's iconic smile! This almost looks like it came out of a comic (as is always the case with your art!) I guess we're gonna have to let this MARINate some more! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Zack Morris

This is going to be a lot of fun once it's finished!