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Okli dokli! While I get back to my bigger projects, let's at least get the poll submissions rolling again so you Honoraries can hav a bit of fun here!~ (  งㅇ                       ω ꒪)ง

I thought about going with a bunny gril theme, but since I know the winner's draw is gonna be coming late (see also announcement post here~), I figured I'd just make it optional T   v T/ Aha if ya wanna enter a bunnygril or a gril in a bunny suit, go for it! :P But it's not mandatoryyy~
I think I also did the same thing last year and bunny Kallen still ended up winning haha! XPc
tl;dr No special theme this month!~ 👍

Like previous polls, submissions will go through the rng wheel and half of them will be randomly selected for the voting round :0

Anyways! Hit me up with them grils!~ X3c


Submissions will close at the end of the day MDT, April 12th~

Here's da rules again~ Pleeeeaaaase pay attention to them!!

  • Leave one comment below or send me a message of your character submission and the series they're from, AND provide at least one reference image of the submitted character. (I'll use these images for the voting sheet as well. Failure to provide a reference image will result in ineligibility! Dx I want to know you at least looked over the rules here and saw this~ So plz do it thx :3)
  • You may suggest a scenario and bindings with your submission (I'll try my best to follow the scenario, but bear in mind it may not be 100% exact)
  • ^As a follow-up to the above rule, if your suggested scenario cannot be told in a single image, I will ask you to simplify it. For example, if your scenario can only be told through a comic format or in multiple parts/panels, I may ask you to shorten it down so it can fit into a single drawing. Please keep 'em simple enough for one draw thx!~
  • You may submit OC's, but they should be yours~ Otherwise I'll need permission from the actual owner of the character
  • Only one character per patron please :3
  • Past winners are on a cooldown before they can be submitted for a poll once again.* When their draws are posted publicly, they will become eligible once again.
  • I reserve the right to reject ideas if I do not feel comfortable with drawing them. In which case, I will ask you to come up with a new idea :0

And that should do it! :3


*Past winners:

August 2021- Cana Alberona ( Fairy Tail )

October 2021- Emilia ( Re:Zero )

December 2021- Mami Nanami & Chizuru Ichinose ( Rent-A-Girlfriend )

February 2022- Marin Kitagawa ( My Dress-Up Darling )
                              - Ryza Stout ( Atelier Ryza 2 )



Kyoko Kirigiri and Komaru Naegi from Danganronpa. Kyouko: https://danganronpa.fandom.com/de/wiki/Kyouko_Kirigiri?file=KyoukoKirigiri.jpg Komaru: https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Komaru_Naegi?file=Komaru_Naegi_Illustration.png Scenario: Komaru got kidnapped , Kyoko tries to rescue her but ends up kidnapped too.

Joe Dover

Aight, let’s do this Yamato from One Piece Character reference: https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Yamato_(One_Piece)?file=Yamato_Anime_Infobox.png Situation: She’s been caught conspiring with Luffy and the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance and thrown in a jail cell to be dealt with later by Kaido himself. (This is the part I want u to draw) Her upper body is in a tight box tie; she’s struggling to find the strength to tear or at least undo the ropes, but her seastone shackles and collar, which leashes her to the cell wall, prevent her from using her devil fruit power and severely weakening her. Her legs are also tied up by numerous coils of rope, cinching them together. She would love to yell at her captors, but her mouth has been stuffed with rags and held back by a cloth. It also didn’t help that her clothes have been damaged from a scuffle she had just been in.

Dylan kneip

Bunny Scathach would be awesome from fgo. Scenario would be an escape challenge from the chaldea master because Scathach always love a good Challenge but she finds herself in a tight predicament because the bindings are anti magic bindings provided by her counterpart Scathach=Skadi to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget but the chaldea master is unaware of that while binding Scathach ^^

Dylan kneip



Sorry for the low quality pic but I had trouble finding higher quality.... female Link~! (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D20rITtUYAEVLi6?format=jpg&name=large) captured in her adventures and tied to a pole with rope~ hat taken away from her too


yurikawa hana from mieruko-chan. I'm not bothered about the scenario and reference photo https://animeanime.global/yurikawa-hana

범준 최

korrina from pokemon situation: korrina kidnapped by team rocket with her pokemon and she try to escape, but she failed https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APq-WBvDgs2UTjKos8Q_WWPc0Z6NddSIbg:1649729118530&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=korrina&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&fir=KK53JeAFF0ypwM%252CqwExUQUTop883M%252C_%253B1fvvaO1qmBdO7M%252Ca1qaJV2vfDjR6M%252C_%253B9gialA6OZPMH4M%252C_wplOgeBTSHRkM%252C_%253BJNQkFrukDkq0LM%252CqU_MNrBWl2dDSM%252C_%253BZfJ4QlBxZ4srSM%252CBJdcJcyY83FmWM%252C_%253Bv3hWmN-8NrQB6M%252CIn-TYicJD8KY1M%252C_%253BEUP1rKX8BJ5EjM%252CgC5A-tmg3AvEfM%252C_%253Bc20Wwt4YT5v1LM%252CHCBHOg0-DFpbfM%252C_%253BBITZen2FSfDoiM%252CYQ1MfaaELIimfM%252C_%253B4ETEG8T9URuwuM%252CBJdcJcyY83FmWM%252C_%253Bq2Xgqz_BYqoXpM%252CqU_MNrBWl2dDSM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kS2b3B-W-U9zjjS7zy7B0W57LBViw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjurtfwt433AhUHPXAKHc6uCBwQ420oAHoECAoQBA&biw=360&bih=666&dpr=3


Because you ask me nicely to add someone to the poll ( 。 ω ゚), I will suggest an obscure character : Sydney from PAYDAY 2. She's kind of a brat criminal :P For scenario, even if it doesn't involve bunny stuff, it could be her captured by mercenaries and she's forced to follow them by hopping like a bunny 😂 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EKTkAg2UUAY40dM.jpg


Well.. here it goes Mirajane strauss from Fairytail Ref for her attire : https://imgbin.com/png/BKLFqGq4/erza-scarlet-wendy-marvell-mirajane-strauss-elfman-strauss-fairy-tail-png To put it simply, she was kidnapped by those who coveted her powers. Grabbed from behind, she had no choice but to succumb to the sweet scent of chloroform When she woke up, she was tightly bound and gagged with magic sealing tape(this again?), her mouth packed to buldging point with her leggings. the kidnappers were thorough in their bondage, for her elbows were taped together as well as her hands, taking away any chance of escape she may have had. To her humiliation, her captors had deliberately pulled down her front zipper to her crotch, revealing her cute under garments and lack of bra(XD). To add to her misery, her captors had placed a spell that continuously aroused her, not enough to go over the edge, but just enough to keep her occupied. Bound, gagged, and flustered, she could do nothing but whimper in discomfort and wait for her captors to return.


I'm going with Leone from Akame Ga Kill (https://sta.sh/010ie1l1lyk1) and the idea I had in mind was that she ends up being captured by Esdeath (https://sta.sh/011cg7ynuc33) who ends up training Leone to be her pet. Of course being the sadist that she is, it would only result in some mean bondage for her new pet.


In anticipation of the upcoming Mario + Rabbids game (and any excuse to see tied up bunny girls :P ) would like to suggest Princess Rosalina from the Mario series, forced into a sexy bunny-girl outfit and tied up (maybe chained to something to keep her from flying off) by a legion of Rabbids who are running wild around her observatory! Rosalina: https://i.imgur.com/6pqYdyU.png Bunny outfit example: https://www.deviantart.com/sarukaiwolf/art/Star-Bunny-Rosalina-875658533 Rabbids: https://stringfixer.com/files/230020639.jpg Observatory: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wii/images/e/e6/640px-SMG-CometObservatory2.png/revision/latest?cb=20140416003808