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You could say that these pirates sure did 'napp her! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehehe~

This scene is a spin on the escape sequence taking place during the pirate chapter of Didnapper 1! X3c After making too much noise in her escape attempt, Suki finds herself bound much tighter and with much more rope :0

She'd better be more careful not to alert the guard standing outside her cell again or things'll get even worse! :O

-There are 6 total gug variations, all of which can be found in the gam too! X3 (However, the tape gug variant is the only one that doesn't appear during the gam's escape system~ XP Dark tape does appear in Suki's private cell experience as one of her special gugs tho~)

-Dialogue and the UI in the second panel are also taken directly from Didnapper 1~


Super sorry on the delay for this draw y'alllll! T      o   T/ Not only for the many months that passed since Suki won her poll, but also because I planned on getting this draw finished sooner, like late last week after I finished the (also late) bday drawsss. Stuffs happened and I only managed to get Suki all finished up tonight T     0  T/ But thank you for your patience and all your continued support y'all! ;    v  ;7

And also, if you haven't tried Didnapper 1 yet you can download the gam through this link here!~ X3c You can also find the public demo for Didnapper 2 through there as well! That gam is set to release in December so I'm looking forward to it!~ (\  。         ◁゚)/ aha

Anyways, I'm off to grab some food and then pass out in mah bed haha T      w   T7 Hope y'all enjoy this drawwww!

I'm gonna be trying to get a couple more things out before the month ends so I'm gonna have a busy weekend!~ XP I'ma take a break on Friday tho of course... 🥳🎂🎈

Okli doke, see y'all again soon! \T     U  T/


You can view the finished draws and all of the WIPs in the dropbox belowww:





Stop asking me for pun titles on Twitter =v=

Purple Paradox

As much as I love puns, that one REALLY made me groan... Great work as always Mag! Suki is a cute, glad you could draw her!


😂 I had a feeling it get that reaction baha XD But the puns must go on! ( งㅇ ω ꒪)ง And thank yeeee! XPc


Fantastic wok, Suki looks wonderful in this picture, your art-style really suits her, and the inclusion of the game features are great as well. Also, no need to worry about delay, your pictures are always worth the wait.


Suki looks so perfect in your art style and I love how you used one of the game’s mechanics for this pic!


Well worth the wait, don't worry about it Mag!! Really well done use of the game's UI and mechanics too, it's making me wanna go back and play the game from scratch (which might not be a bad idea, to prep for the sequel coming out)...


Adorable, love it. It would be even nicer with more panels like the Lucy and Nao comics, but beggers can't be choosers.

Spelt Wrong, but right.

The wait was well worth it if this great work was the reward. Also love the game and how you took inspiration from the fun mini game itself. Also hope that in the sequel, there is some sort of crotch rope mechanic. Cause I think that would be pretty detrimental to an escape artist just learning the ropes.


AAAAAH! This is absolutely stellar Mag! :D Thank ya for your dedication to the craft! =w= Lets hope Suki doesn't Su kidnappers or they are in big trouble! I'm not even sorry for that one XD


Slow clap for the punmaster here. While I'm still a little salty that she beat Pyra, Suki does look great here. :) I suppose one of these days I should try DiDnapper. Well done again, Mags. Hope everything is going okay! And a preemptive Happy Birthday to you. :) Hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow!


As a self-proclaimed king of crappunnys, this pun exceeds my expectations! Just like the quality of your work! This looks like it came straight from the gam!


Hehe thank you!~ X3c And there actually is a crotch rope mechanic in 2! XDc There's a distraction meter that increases when you try untying your legs and decreases again when untying something else~ The higher the distraction meter is, the harder it is for Seles to untie any of her restraints >:3


AHHHH thank yeee!! ; U ;/ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehehe yessss don't be sorry~ The puns shall continue on!!


(\ㅇ ▽ ꒪)/ woo!~ And thank yeeee!~ X3c One day I'll revisit the Aegis grils T v T/ And thanks for the bday wishes too! ; U ;/


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehe there's no such thing as crappunnys~ X3c All puns are quality! (/ 。 ◁゚)/ T U T/ And thank ye Diooo!~

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I said that with hopes and not knowing much about the sequels development. But now that I know, I wanna buy it the second it is available.


Man I remember how much DIDnapper changed between it's first release and what it became today. The current designs are so much better imo and your artwork matches that. Congrats on finishing this drawing and happy late birthday! =)


This is...SO ADORABLE! I gotta say tho... alllllll of your variants are incredibly lovely...but...I love love LOVE that panel gag! It looks sooooo gooood in your style~💕 You absolutely nailed this draw Mag! The pose, the ropes, the expression...Perfection, Magnolia, perfection~💝


This is an outstanding effort - your style has morphed into being very close to Sharp's for this - good enough that this could have been an alternate pose within the same game mechanic. I hope that more users here will request the other 3 party members as well for this sort of thing.