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T               v         T_ Hand about to fall off bwaaaaa-

But I'm glad to have finally gotten these two projects to this stage!~ T     U  T/ Got plenty more work to get done this month (Spooky month! 👻), so I'ma keep at it!

And welcome to October y'all!~ X3c This month will have a fan art poll running and I'm thinking of a special theme for it given the spookiness of the month XP So keep an eye out for when submissions and such begins! :D

But for now, I must slep =          w    =/ haha I'll see y'all again sooon~


All WIPs can be seen in the following Dropboxes~

Princess Suki in May Dropbox:

Cana Alberona in August Dropbox:




Cana is hot ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)


That flowery bikini WOW <3


Stunning XD


if your hand is about to fall off then don't start new projects every 2 days


That Cana ponytail is cute


I would say for feedback: maybe change Cana eye pupils to lose detail when she sees Erza. Like those anime scenes where their scared and pupils lost some shine. Like what you did to Lucy’s eye when she got chloroformed


that is the cutest little leather gag i've ever seen <3


I think it's incredible how your art lends itself so well to any style :D . No matter what gets voted in, I'm always excited because I know it will somehow be amazing!


WDang I love that you included the pink and rose lingerie Cana wore ar the swimming pool by accident . Microfoam white gag is aweeeesome to . Lovin you and your work Mag <3 \o/


Lol love the antics of the little emoji in the Dropbox logo. XD Cana's a total knockout, and is that the first time we've seen a panel gag from you on Suki? As always, everything looks stunning. Can't wait to see them finished, but be sure to rest up and take care of yourself (and your hand)!


Haha, Magnolia goes octoBeRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) As always, such cute works o art but can we talk about how cute that lil dropbox fella is and their attempts to be spoopy? (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


Good Gawwwwsh you are in maximum overdrive! So many projects! So little time! Seriously Mag you are giving us so many lewd goodies this spoopy season~🧡🎃 I love the choice of gag for Suki! Is this our first panel gag appearance from you~? O/////O New draws, new gag, spoiling from Mag~ You’re knocking it out of the park as always with your inspirational quality and work ethic...Keep being awesome Magnolia! You’re absofreakinlutely fantastic! 💗💕


That's why the dood helped her out of her bikini top Cuz she was hot~ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


X3c hehe thanks!~ It's an actual gag that appears in the gam too! Before v1.8.2, it only appeared in the pirate chapter that this scene is based off of :Pc


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehehe always gotta have some fun with the Dropbox dood!~ It may be the first panel gug actually! XP I don't think I've done it before iirc~ And thank yee! (/ 。 ◁゚)/


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Hehehe thank ye Dioooo!~ X3c And yussss that little fella sure is being spoopy!


(´ U `ʃƪ) Ahhhh thanks Imotaaaa!!~ Haha and it may be! XP It's an actual gug that appears in the gam during the chapter this is based on too!~ T v T/ But thank ye again Imotaa~ Your messages are always so sweet~