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Aaaaaaaaaand another lil WIP of one of the projects I've been making progress on lately, but only a part of it T    v  T/ This is one of the smoler side draws on the character sheet of the newest main Omnivoyant gril from the story, Sofia ^    w  ^/ aka Lady Kyria~
She just took her headband off and is running her hand through her bangs a bit, giving us a good look at her OmniV Mark on her forehead~

The plan is to have her whole character sheet and AMA draw all finished next month so I can get the OmniV story goin' again T   v T/ I've got so much stuff written down for the rest of Team Sofia that I want to get startedddd bwaa~

Also early this month, I got a jury duty summons letter and I may have to go to the courthouse tomorrow if my juror number is selected, so wish me luck that I don't get selected and can work on draws insteaddddd T               🙏        T thank ye aha~
I still have more to work on and post these next few days before September ends so keep an eye outtt~ T   v T7 ( Including the thing that y'all Honoraries voted on recently~ I can't believe we ended up with technically another tie =           v      = baha )




ooooo Kyria is absolutely adorable~💕 And what an awesome place for her mark! I mean...it gave us her super cute headband! I can’t wait to know more about her, from what you’ve introduced about her so far she’s super duper interesting...And well, she’s also just super duper cute >/////< But in all seriousness, you’re making absolutely amazing art, amazingly fast!!! And with the possibility of Jury duty? I dunno how you do it...Here’s to hoping that Jury duty doesn’t jump up and interrupt your already super busy schedule! Best of luck Mag, you absolutely deserve it~💗


Are going to add a little bondage image on Sofia character sheet like you did with Chai

Purple Paradox

Kyria looks great! Cant wait to see her whole sheet, and hopefully take part in her AMA! Chai's is the only one so far I've been around for and I super enjoyed it, so I can't wait for this one too... could even get some interesting answers about the OmniV and MAVRO from her!


Lady Kyria or Sofia, I'm sensing an interesting story here, with a connotation like that it could be that she comes from Nobility of some description or maybe an honorary title of some kind. The Omni Mark on her forehead looks great and I'm looking forward to seeing what her powers will be, with it been on her head like that I can only imagine there to do with her mind and maybe telekinesis of some description. Anyway keep up the great work Mags she looks great and I can't wait to see her finished sheet in colour.

willl sargent

Very pretty! That mark must have been hard to hide growing up, she must of been good at hiding it, or she's really powerful. And jury duty? Let me guess, the charge is....Kidnapping?


Sofia is so precious ~ = v = ~ . Always love a new addition to your ever growing cast of OCs, you never miss the mark when aiming to make an interesting character and a cutie ;)


Lady Kyria is just impossibly cute and we cannot wait for the character sheet? Will you be selected for court duty? Guess the...jury's still out on that one! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue!


X3c hehe thanks Imotaaaa~ T v T/ I do hope folks are looking forward to learning more about her toooo~ And luckily all jurors today got excused so I get to draw moreee! X3c woo!~


Not on hers no~ Chai was a special case to show that her character has a fascination with bondage. Sofia is like most of my other characters where they do not, and including draws on the sheet showing actual character traits are much much more important to me than putting an unrelated bondage pic just cuzzz~


Ahhh thank yeeeee!~ T v T/ It's been a while since Chai's AMA so doing another one for Sof should be a good time yee! X3c


Hehe plenty of stuff has already been revealed about her through the epilogue of this last story chapter~ X3c Including some of her OmniV abilities aha :3 And thank yaaaaa!~


Haha that's partially what her headband is for~ XP And I have no idea what kind of case I would've been a juror for if I was selected lol but kidnapping is a pretty extreme one o - o T'wouldn't take a whole lot of convincing for the jury to call out the defendant as guilty too aha


(´ v `ʃƪ) hehe thank yeeee~ And gosh I still have ideas written down for characters waaaaaay down the line in the story! XP I'm gonna have so manyyyyy T u T


X3c hehe thanks Dioooo!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ eyoooooo~ XP hehe but nahhhh I wasn't selected luckily so I'm gud! (/ 。 ◁゚)/

Bryan Holland

She's so adorable and makes such a nice and great damsel so did you know that dragalia lost is having it's 3rd anniversary? And I have a suggestion for kyria want to here it?


Looks great, can’t wait to see the finished character sheet.