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I took a smol break last week after finishing up Kallen so I needed a lil something fun to sorta warm myself back up while I'm doing these other big projects T    v  T/ I remembered I had an old Yoko sketch from last year that I was pretty happy with so I went ahead and made some fixes, did clean line art, and threw on some cel shading 'n extra shtuff!~
Some of that 'extra shtuff' you may notice is a pair of blurry Beastmen watching Yoko from the cliffs in the background XPc Boota seems to notice something is off but Yoko doesn't quite see any danger just yet :0 Mayhaps this is a prequel to what I drew for her last year?~ >         v   >

Anywaysss, got more DiD stuff in the pipeline I'm getting worked on so stay tuned y'all~ T    w  T7




LOL on the SFW tag.


I would definitely call it a prequel, it was that sketch that inspired me to suggest her in the poll that she won! :P


(Click) Noice

Purple Paradox

I remember the sketch! Great to see it in full colour!

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Wonderful, funny enough, I even remember that old pic. I think that was when I started following you.


can i switch places with boota?~ nicely done, yoko is really cute, especially with your artstyle^^ also, dam hips and waist^^


Perfectly!! Im an gurren lagann fans and this has made my day. 🥰🥰😍


Well it’s not suki or any bondage but I can’t say I’m against it.


XDc hahaha SFW draw posts are pretty rare around here but they do happen sometimes!~ X3


This is absolutely insane, it looks like a screenshot from the anime XD . SFW is good too! Amazing job Mag, booba mole is best mole >:3c


More like Yokoatta! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Well, it made more sense in my head anyway lolololololol Hey, sometimes a SFW post hits the spot! This is just as great as your other works!


oooo this is absolutely adorable~💕 And it’s always nice to see an awesome sketch turned into an awesome pic! Amazing job with Yoko and Boota Magnolia, they look freaking fantastic in your style~❤️


yOOOO Mag these are cute!! love em I think Yoko looks perfect in your style !!


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/359/181/c81.jpg this reminded me of this XD


I loved this piece when it was just a sketch. Now that it's colored it's just... *chef's kiss*. Excellently done, Mags. :) You're spoiling us yet again.


Please, stop me if you've heard this one already but the way you draw Yoko is just so Boota-ful! ;D Almost making me wanna revisit TTGL...


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ eyyyyyyy~ XPc hehehe thank yaaa!~ And yeee it may be time for me to revisit it soon too! X3