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XPc Yeeeeee~

This is Adelaide's old bunny plush named Monsieur Carotte that she's kept since she was a baby~ (Thanks Reixi for helping me with a name (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ aha)
Monsieur Carotte was Addie's only friend for most of her life due to her sheltered childhood in her family's castle, and so she couldn't bear to leave him behind when she finally left home T  v T Addie often carries him around in her bag to keep as a lil companion, but has always kept him a secret from the others due to how embarrassing she thinks it will be if they discover him... and yeeee she feels mighty embarrassed (and furious) right now 😅

Part 4 is scheduled for posting tomorrow for Companions and Honoraries~ :Pc




Monsieur Carotte ( ㅇ ω ꒪) Whoever thinked about this name is an idiot = v=

Purple Paradox

That... that is so adorable... Chibi Leu really adds to the cuteness of it I'm legitimately in shock...


Okay, I'm not gonna lie, that's the last thing I was expecting LOL . Also, Leu has the biggest WTF face I've ever seen lmao. Well played Mag, well played.



Bryan Holland

Amazing so what's next is leudai going to be bound and gagged next?


Super super cute!


This whole scenario is so dam adorable, but it might have some consequences for Leu.


i still have some plushes etc i've been having since i was a kid and still cuddle with them. yes, i'm a grown up with plushes and i admit it


Oh.... my... GOD 😩 this is beyond adorable Mags. The expression work on display here is so darn good. Chibi Leu is a big standout to me and I absolutely adore this scenario as well. Thank you for this adorable blessing 🙏


D'awww I figured it'd be something like this. Good ol' Addie trying not to be a softie on the inside. :)


Not gonna lie, I cry, oh my, sigh, what a wise guy, this is so fly, ok I love you buh bye!