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A follow-up to this draw from almost four years ago, here we see Samus being escorted away by Space Pirates to the brig of their ship as a captive! :0 What's gonna happen to her next?? (I guess I'll have to make a part 3 eventually if folks wanna find out XPc aha~)

Oh also, something funny I discovered while doing a bit of research for this draw: In the Metroid series, the only known word in the Space Pirate language is 'urtraghus', which means 'large booty'~ XDc Being pirates, it ofc means 'booty' as in 'treasure' baha but it was so silly since Samus is also from this series that I just had to put it into the text somehow XPc🍑


I wanted to have this draw done by the end of last month, but I ran out of energy working on the Lucy and Juvia sketch T    v  T/ But here we are! Redid the line art and added text and color to this ZSS draw from a few months ago!

I also included all of her alt colors from Smish Bruhs, and also a noodl alt as well >     v  >/ I was in a mood to draw it hahaha so lewwwwd /> ///v//>\

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!~ X3c

Click here for the dropbox with all the draws and alts!~ (  ง ò          ω   ó)ง 




Magnolia Samus again 0-0 ~I dies~


GASP. Are those nips I see?! Mags, you are a mad woman =u=


Amazing! Though the top it you would need to do a front view. I would REALLY want to see that front view! :D


Bewbs in a magnolia pic 0.o besides that it is neat to see the follow up picture all done up now. Do like the alt with the pirates catching on to her. Given her description of the cell hopefully we see how secure it is one day XD


Magnolia, I said it wayyyyyyy back when that first Samus sketch came out...and it still stands true for the sequel: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! It’s hard to pick an absolute favorite from someone as talented as you, but this is just fabulously cute, fun, and lewwwwwd~ (Nude bondage, most of the time isn’t something I seek out, but the way you do it is just fun and reallllly adorable...) Overall Magnolia this is an absolutely flawless drawing. I endlessly love your dialogue and artistic details...And I haven’t even mentioned those Smash alts! Just wow....I couldn’t imagine something cuter if I’ve tried 💕


( /ㅇ ω ꒪)\💦💦 LOOOOD

David Night

Your Samus is just amazing, wow. Very nice work!


Damn. This came out of nowhere. Nice job


Space Pirates couldn't think of a word for peaches so LARGE BOOTY works to cover it all! Classy set of folks! Daaaaaamn, MagMag! You spoil us with A-METROID-ZING display of colors! Sa$$mus never looked so inviting! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


Oh my goodness - that BOOTY! 😩 sosoSOSO GOOD! This is absolutely gorgeous from top to bottom in every regard mags! Your rendering is so darn good it hurts 😤 top tier work as per usual!


Love when you give us surprises like these Mag! :D


To be fair, Samus is one hell of a booty for the Space Pirate to acquire. Why yes, I could love to see a Part 3.


This is just incredible, especially the nood version! Hopefully we will see more like that in the future. Your art looks amazing as always!


Now I want to see her get caught trying to escape and punished.


Oh Mag why you gotta treat us like this... we don't deserve this many variants and of SAMUS of all girls!! 🥺


What can we all do to keep you in this noodl making mood?




Oh WOW. I thought you were done with this pic with its last version, which was already stellar, but this...I'm floored. What an incredible treat! You spoil us with stuff like this, Mags. :) I eagerly await the eventual Part 3, but only when you feel in the mood to make it, of course! The "urtraghus" thing is pretty funny, not gonna lie. Looks like Samus has turned into quite the "urtraghus" for these pirates! This is one of my all-time faves from you, Magnolia. Excellent work!


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ 'Urtraghus' is a multipurpose word!~ hehehe And thank yee Diooooo!!! :D


URTRAGHUS (/ 。         ◁゚)/ XPc hehehe thank ya very much Flargo!! T v T/


Thank ya!!~ XP I know it's not something I do often but I'm glad folks enjoyed this nood version X3c Makes me think I should do it more often > v> haha


XPc hahaha if folks are enjoying it, there's a better chance of me doing it again in the future!~


X3c ahh thank ya!!!~ Haha I kinda had a 'No way... XD' moment when I first saw what 'urtraghus' meant 😂 Twas too perfect~


If you plan on making a part 3 for this, I think you should look at kkkkp deviantart. They have a few Samus pics that could provide some good inspiration.


WOW, you really went all out on Samus, huh? Not that I mind, heehee, that booty is indeed a treasure in it's own right! ;3c