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(☞                       ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ ehhhh?
Haaaaa I'm tired hahaha please forgiv this awful pun T    v  T/ This is mora 'va stretch than I wanted it to be~
☜( ゚       ヮ                      ゚ ☜)

As mentioned in a past post, here Mona was offered a simple job in exchange for a large sum of Mora, but it actually turns out to be a trap set by a group of Treasure Hoarders :0 They seem to lay traps and ambushes quite often in the gam... hehehe >      v  >/ 

But phewwww here's Mona's Part 1 finally checked off my to-do list now!~ X3c Still got plenty I wanna get done within this week here so I'ma take a nap and then get back to it! :P


You can view the finished 'Part 1' and all of its WIPs in the dropbox belowww:



Purple Paradox

What are you talking about? That pun is simply amazing, I must have 'Mora' it!


Been looking forward to this! Excellent hand gag and grab! Really excited for what comes next of course!


Now that's one swell hand gag. And boy, I'm digging the glare ¬‿¬


Cute sexiness!! 😍


Oh yes! Mona possibly bound and gagged in tight shibari? Her leotard really accents ropes around her chest and “down there”. *drools*


Absolutely nailed it again Mag! She looks like a real MONArch in that picture ;). Let us know if you ever open commissions again, I would love to have my OC drawn by you :D


Finally, Mona part 1 has been completed!As expected, it's a great hand gag scene!I look forward to the completion of Part 2!


That glare and handgag. This is one of them now ya see her now ya don’t magic tricks right?


Magnolia, MONA-mie! , your pun game is so aMORAzing! Never change! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Once again you produce such a magnanimous piece. You are so Genshinerous! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Absolutely amazing! Love how much detail you’ve given the hand interacting with the face~ So dang cuuuuuute...it’s perfect and it’s only part one!!! Great job Mag~


Ahaha thankss!!~ XD (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ And tbh I don't rlly hav any plans to reopen comms again any time soon X0 I have plentyyyyy of Patreon projects to keep me busy aha~


X3c Thank ye Imotaaaa!!~ I look forward to finishing up the second part in the future too! ( ง ò ω ó)ง

Bee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:05:59 Absolutely stellar!!! <3
2021-03-27 18:36:59 Absolutely stellar!!! <3

Absolutely stellar!!! <3