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Continuing to chip away at the big projects on my to-do list T   v T/ But I once again underestimated how long it would take to clean all the lines and add the flats and all that jazz~ =    v  =/ Some colors may still change too cuz I can't decide rn ahaaa

Anyways, I'ma try to get at least some sketches done for Rin before January ends T   A T/ I won't get to finish her entirely unfortunately, but I'll keep working on her throughout this next week~
(I suggest ya keep a link to this month's dropbox handy if ya plan to unpledge, so that way you'll still be able to view the Rin draws even after this month ends!~)
So yee, back to the old grind! ( ง ò          0   ó)ง


You can view the new beach draw progress in this month's dropbox:




oof I think my favorite part of this is banshee in that swimsuit, and she's not even tied up lol. somebody should remedy this. possibly those very dexterous crabs :P

Ryan Simons

I totally agree Banshee in a swimsuit is not only great but I have a strong want for a tied up banshee. Good Taste.


"...if ya plan to unpledge" Who would do such a thing??? and Leu lookin just fine, MagMag!

Purple Paradox

Holy moly, with her hair coloured here Hiromi just looks even angrier! And I can't help but wonder how hot Leu and Ella might be getting, seeing that they're still wearing their beanie and scarf... (sure, they're all hot but you know what I mean!!) This is also the first time I'm noticing how pale Deirdre is! Maybe its just the flat colours or maybe its just because her hair is so dark! (Or maybe its by comparison because she's standing next to Reyna haha!) Speaking of a certain foxy redhead, I wanted to ask: is Reyna actually wearing that jacket and shorts? Or is she only wearing the bikini and sunglasses, and her bracelets are visualising the jacket/shorts? Once again, as ever, amazing work Magnolia!!


More OCs is never a bad thing! Especially when it’s a beach draw~ Can’t wait to see it finished, I love it to bits already...Love the amount of comedy mixed in with these aswell!


Beautiful work very beautiful, I always loves and enjoy seeing the ladies. One question tho, if otm gags of the girls are representative of their specific colors, why is leu otm gag a different color


0.o oh my some beach tied ladies in color :3d This one is up there as one of my favourite pic of your main ladies tied but just behind the one where they are wrapped up....I'm totally not bias on that one haha. Can't wait to see the end result when it is done and it ain't bad seeing a beach pic in these cold winter days to warm things up!


T v T/ haha thanks Diooo~ But I understand there are plenty of different reasons for folks to unpledge around the end of the month, so it's no biggie~ XPc


XPc haha there must be a nice breeze today to help keep them cool~~ And yee haha Dee's very pale! To keep in line with her 'spoopy ghost' motif~ X3c hehe she should go to the beach more often! Get some sun XD (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ haha yupyup good catch with Reyna's bracelets!~ And in my head, I can see her wanting to get an even tan XPc So what if the only thing she's actually wearing are the sunglasses, and everything else are just projections...? > v>/ And thank ye! :3


T v T/ ahah thanks Imotaa!~ And yeee gotta make these scenarios hav a lil silliness too! X3c


Thank ya!~ X3c And that's one of the color decisions I'm still kinda undecided on haha XP I thought it'd look nice visually to hav the gugs form a bit of a rainbow, but without an orange or yellow the rainbow is way more heavily skewed towards the cold colors X0 So I gave it to Leu since it also contrasts against her hair colors too haha~


Hehehe having draws of all the grils together is always a treat X3c they just take so dang long to doooo T U T haha And thank yaa!~




Well, now I have a favourite good girl and bad girl of yours.