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Chai and Leu arrive at the location of the bondage shoot and get things rollin'! Looks like Leu's gonna be stretching her acting chops!~ X3c

This is a lil scenario I started in late-September, but I now made some more progress on the sketchies for this project (available just for you Honoraries!~) \(ㅇ ▽꒪)/ Started on these again earlier this week and they took me a while longer than I would've liked, but I'm pretty happy with 'em for now! Wanna get to my other projects here too!! (  ง ò           0   ó)ง But first, need food =      v   =/ haha

This scenario still has a few more parts planned out too >       v   > It definitely doesn't end at part 5! >:3c hehehe of course, I'll sketch those out at a later point aha~


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Oh hell yeah 👀💦

Purple Paradox

First FIVE parts?! Mag you spoil us, you really do! And it's cool seeing Leuedai in a more casual outfit!


I like where this is going… Leu must be thankful for the opportunity. A brush-up on her acting wouldn't hurt.(Like the casual wear too) Great stuff Mag.


A really cool idea for a scenario, great work.


Considering this is supposed to be a bondage video they're filming... What are the chances that this is going to fall into the hands of Banshee or Fox? Because I can imagine Fox liking this while Banshee gets infuriated and tries to find out where the video came from.



Bryan Holland

Well done you've been doing great recently so what've you been upto recently? And how're things going for you well?


This is very fun and unexpected haha


Mag you are in OVERDRIVE!!! This is soooo awesome! Chai and Leu becomin lewd buds, a classic (endearingly cheesy) scenario, some adorrrrable Leu faces, and I absolutely love how much the panels feel like camcorder angles~ So much effort Mag! You’ve absolutely hit a home run, perfect job Magnolia, I truly mean it 💗💜


Imagine Adelaide in her usual profane fashion gets "interested," but can't show it. Still somehow gets roped in anyway. Also Leu has the most adorable nervous face


Ahhhh loving it so far! And it's honestly crazy Leu hasn't discovered this sort of thing before! Looking forward to the eventual conclusion. Your gals, as always, are adorable, Mags.


X3c Hehe thank yeee!~ And yeee I thought it'd be more appropriate for Leu to walk around in more casual attire for a change XPc More fitting for the bondage shoot scenario hehe plus she probably got dressed in a hurry and just threw something together out of excitement XP


If Fox or Banshee actively go looking for fetish videos online then mayyyybe XD haha but most likely not~


; U ; ahhhh thank you Imota!! I'm glad the lil details like the angles aren't going unnoticed T v T/ hehe I always appreciate your wonderful responses! ; w ;7


XPc hehe thank yeeeee~ And maybe the opportunity hasn't been available to her in Qhroma~ That country's pretty sketchy towards OmniV anyway > o >/ I threw in a tiny hint where this is all taking place tho ;3c


You can just see how genuinely happy Leu is! This must be like reaching into the cookie jar for her and NOT getting caught....well, getting caught in the way that we all want! (¬‿¬) MagMag makes mucho magnificent masterpieces!


Awesomely done and love the hems of the jacket

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:08:39 T v T/ Leu's super excited hehehe~ And that's exactly right! >:3c
2020-12-21 08:08:30 T v T/ Leu's super excited hehehe~ And that's exactly right! >:3c

T v T/ Leu's super excited hehehe~ And that's exactly right! >:3c