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Howdy y'all! :3
First off, just wanna say thank you again for your birthday messages on here and on other platforms yesterday ;    v  ;/ I actually spent a lot of it sketching a bday draw for someone whose bday is in a couple days XPc haha but anyway, your messages and gift art all made my day ;   w  ; so thank you!! 

Yoko Progress~
So to my main point, I have to apologize for the lack of bondage art this month, and a lack of posts in general for Omnivoyant Supporters D: This has been a very story-heavy month, and while I'm glad I was able to push out the last parts to the OmniV chapter for Companions and Honoraries, it came at the expense of other draws :0
I had planned to get more done this month in addition to the OmniV story, but several things started to affect me mentally which didn't do me any favors when I tried to draw :/ I actually scrapped and restarted Yoko's entire scenario twice before getting it to a point I'm okay with (although one of the panels I'm still kinda iffy about hmm). I have a sketch preview for one of the panels here I can share rn tho~

*Sketch preview for Yoko can be seen hereeeee~* 

I'm gonna keep chuggin' along tonight to try to get more done T      0    T/


But anyways, I have a lot of draws and projects I need to catch up on here X0 So here's what I've been thinking of doing for the next two months:

Plan for Nov-Dec~
November will be the last normal month of 2020~ We'll do one more monthly fan art poll (which I'll need to figure out whether to do a special theme and what it should be), and November should pretty much go just as these past months have gone.

For December, I will be pausing the billing cycle, so as long as you're still pledged through the end of November, Patreon will not charge you on December 1st and you will have access to everything I'll post for December (in your respective tiers)~ *New pledges and upgrading to a higher tier during December will still charge as normal however :0
I'm gonna try to make December be my catch-up month, so there most likely won't be any new projects, but I'll be making more progress on past draws and projects that I already started, including Erina Nakiri's thingie, the pic pack, the Chai + Leu scenario, and any other draws/doodles I haven't finished yet~ That way, I can start off 2021 on a better note :3c

So basically, I guess it's a BOGO deal? XP Or a very long November haha
As long as you stay pledged through the end of November, December will be free~


Final Note~
Thank you for your support everyone ;    v  ;/ And thank you for working with me while I continue to stumble my way through 2020~ T     v   T
On the side, I've decided to go ahead and make Chai, one of the new grils from the OmniV story, public tonight :3 So I'll be posting her character sheet here and on DA and twitter after I go eat food XP So ye!~ 

Thanks again! X3



Take care of yourself Mags. Happy to support you and watch as the art comes! Take a break every now and then :3 can’t wait to see all your future works! And now onto the sketchies!


It’s safe to say we’ll always support you and care for you till the end of days


Belated Happy Birthday Mag! I hope you had fun :D


Happy late birthday Mags hope you had a great day :3


Bappi Herfday again MagMag! It may have been your special day but it always feels like you are giving us a present each time. 😊 And while absolutely generous of you to do so, I don’t mind you billing me for December! In fact, Reixi will take care of it!

Prime Meima

I forgot to say it, but happy birthday


Oh heck, happy belated birthday! Hope it was a good one. And yes, take care of yourself, that's the most important thing! BTW, the Yoko piece is looking *great* so far =3


Take your time. 🤗 Yoko is sexier when Magnolia draws her. ❤️💞💖💕💓❣️💟💗


A belated happy birthday to you, Mags. Hope you had a wonderful day. And no worries about the story-heavy month. I know that I, for one, am always happy to learn more about your characters and the story they're a part of. I also, as a writer myself, know what it feels like to want to share the tale in your head with others.


T v T7 Thank you!!~ And yeee I just feel bad I haven't posted much for Omnivoyant Supporters this month ; v ;/ But yes I'm very glad folks are invested in the story!~ :D


Hope your birthday was a great day. Don't worry about the story-related stuff. For me, It is one of the main things I look forward to, love the intrigue of the characters and plot so I dont mind it that stuff takes time. As for everything else, make sure you pace yourself, okay? Like the premise of the catch-up month. Make sure to take care Mags and the future works will speak for themselves.

Purple Paradox

To be honest Mag, the story stuff is why I’m here! But I definitely understand feeling somewhat bad about not putting out a lot of DiD-related stuff. That said, I’ll always be excited to see what you put out next, regardless if it’s DiD or story stuff, or anything in between!


YOu gotta make sure to take care of yourself Mags~ Dont worry about the lack of bondage this month~


T v T/ Thank youuuu!! 🍞 And yeee I'm hoping the catch-up month'll do me plenty of good~


; v ;/ Thank youuuu! Seeing folks getting invested in the story always makes me super happy~