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_(             _ 。         ◁゚)/ As the title says!~

Throughout this past week, I've been chipping away at the sketches for the next five parts of the OmniV Story chapter, which will pretty much take us to its conclusion! :O After that is a four-part epilogue that prepares everyone for the next step of the journey, and will also include the story debut of a certain maid too! ;3c

Big hope is to have parts 23-27 all sketched up by the end of the weekend, and then I gotta get to finalizing the story text with 'em XP Uwaaaa getting very close now, y'all! \T      w   T/
(Part 23 may be one of my fave sketches for the story so far too X3c hehe)

Until then, here's just a lil preview X3c
Go, Path! Woooooooo~ \(ㅇ      ▽  ꒪)/



Purple Paradox

Mag, you have NO IDEA how excited I am for this!! Can't wait!


I am souper salad excited to see Ella "find her Path" and go plus ultra / super saiyan / right into the danger zone, etc etc! I can just feel that rage! And to relax with some Chai as well! hehe


Can’t wait for the next 5 parts! And before the chapter ends, is Harvester’s facial features a mask, or is it his real face?


That is just a mask~ X3c He wore this same mask throughout his time as an OmniV hunter many years ago :0