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Uwaaaa sorry this is taking so long y'all T      v   T/
Since the sketch wip post, I ended up doing more with the panel in the corner to show more of 2B's body and head (among other smol edits), but now I finally managed to get the lines and flats ready to share!~ So here ya go! 

Gonna give my hand a rest and try to slep a bit T     w  T I've essentially become nocturnal at this point haha oh no XP
Almost done with 2B y'all! ;      w   ;/


All WIPs can be seen in last month's dropbox~




Uwu indeed!! :3


I love how 2B comes with a blindfold already as part of her outfit hehe

Augusto Fernandoz

I like that 2B already has a design with bdsm style not in its entirety but it does have an air with that suit and its leather boots


Lookin' real real good so far!


This is undoubtedly turning out to be one of my absolute favorites from you...It’s truly just incredible, that’s all I can say honestly. I mean I can say why but...AHHHH it’s just so gooooood! So much character and spunk in this draw...not to mention ummm...that butt smack...(so lewd~) Can’t wait to see the shading, but even without this is an absolutely perfect piece! Sooper dooper job Maggie! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ PS: Ohmigoshhhhh I can’t believe I forgot to mention the tape gag...WOW is it sooo good looking, so much depth with the line work and positioning! Realllly well done!


gooooooods I am so hype for this one O///O


2B Hyped!! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) I thought you were nocturnal anyway due to phantom thief duties!


XP hehehe right?~ Apparently it's a standard-issue military visor, but it's totally a blindfold~ 😉