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Ahhhhhhhhh Tifa's draws are finally done \T             w      T/ Spent all weekend and this mornin' just on her shading aha

So for her scenario, she and Aerith ended up getting jumped by a whole lot of Don Corneo's lackeys after the two of 'em beat up the four guys in that one FF7R cutscene :0 Tifa managed to hop away and started searching for Aerith while trying to escape her ties and run from her captors! She better hope she keeps her balance while hopping and that nothing trips her u-
Uh ohhhh~ >      w   >

Five gug variants are available for y'all as well! So enjoy!~ :D

Hope y'all like! ;        v    ;7


Finished draws and textless variants (plus all wips) can be seen in May's dropbox~


Thank you for your patience again y'all! ;     v  ;/ This one turned out to be a huge project so it took quite a bit longer to get out ahhhhhhhh




All those pull up challenges and squats payed off’ 0.0

Joe Dover

I know I said this before but, NIIIIIIIIICE. I love seeing fiery damsels like her, it’s always a pleasure to behold. Magnificent art as always, not that I need to tell you every time.

Purple Paradox

Ahhh, the return of bright green ball gags- I mean Silence Materia! I love the line about the materia's effect, makes it feel like a canon item! :D And on the topic of gags, I love how rounded the tape gags are! Like, how many socks did you stuff in there!? XD Great work Mag!


Great job! Looks Amazing 😁


The final version turned out really amazing! I like how determined Tifa is to find Aerith.


Lordie I can't begin to express how much I love this! I don't even follow Final Fantasy, but I definitely still love comics, especially yours!! I LOVE IT!!! <3 <3 <3 Your hard work paid off!! Thank you Mag! We don't deserve it uwu Also... at the end of the second page, I love how Tifa said she wasn't gonna trip... it's called foreshadowing xD Oh well, what do you think they'll do with her now? I mean there is no way she's escaping now is there >w>


This is another super duper awesome comic! I’m soooooo very in love with all the variants...They’re all very awesome (but of course I’m definitely biased to like the microfoam hehe) but I think the most amazing part of this project is that ending. The foreshadowing as Tifa is just about to trip over the rope on the ground really leaves a lot to the imagination! Wuts gonna happen next!? (´⊙ω⊙`) well I think we have sooooome idea...But with all my praise for your amazing work out in the open, I gotta say the obvious, get some slep! You deserve some rest for how much you spoil us! Either way, marvelous job as always Magnolia, you never cease to be awesome~!


Got to say, this Midgar Maiden looks incredibly dashing in a dress.


Fantastic piece XD

Augusto Fernandoz

Great work , even i am more fan of her classic clothes this dress is gorgeus , nice work

David Night

Amazing work... the facial expressions, the ropework, everything. Thanks so much!!


Just amazing all around! Looks like she's gonna have a ...TIFA time ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) hopping around while in that sexy lil number! Thanks for TWO pages, Maggie! We are happy you're in our lives! <3


This is really nice :D your attention to detail is amazing :) The only thing I don't like as much is the colors of the OTM and OTN gags, I always prefer white or gray cloth for that, but that's just my opinion ;=)


With a cliffhanger like that, I'm fully expecting Tifa to be submitted to the fan art poll again in six months!


XP hehehe I almost added lil dialogue "mmphs" for the ball gag variant, but that would defeat the purpose of the Silence Materia! XD So I went with the classic ellipsis to show the status effect >:3c And thank ye! :D I'm definitely taking inspiration from my pal Jam on those X3c He does them so well!~


\; w ;/ Ahhh thank ye!!! Hehe she should watch where she's hopping next time > v > Who knows what they'll do since they caught up to her~ XP


X3 Thanks Imota!! Hehe yeeee leaving stuff to the imagination of the viewer is always fun >:3c And don't worry! XP I got my slep schedule back on track over these past couple days :P

Matthew Hafner

Incredible work. My mind is now going crazy imaging what will happen when they catch Tifa and also in wondering how they are keeping Aerith.

Emil Scherbe

How exquisite... Also, best dress. That's the one I got during my playthrough =)


Someone should tell her to watch her step :P