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Made another sheet 'o doodles like I did with Ella back in December XP But this time with Hiromi!~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/

Like the Ella doodle sheet, I tried to go for some things that we haven't really seen from Hiromi before :3c Like her occasional annoyance at her chest size, her distaste for cold tea, and the lil plushie she's kept of her childhood hero :D hehe

ALSO! The top-left doodle is a reference to a shot in a good anime I like, and if you know what the reference is, you get some bonus Mag points!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ haha

Soooooo here's the story with this doodle sheet XP:
I was getting more work done on the big Tifa draw but nothing seemed to be coming out right when I was drawing (_ .            _     .)_ Was having one of those days with my art uwa so I decided to take a break from it and just do some smaller doodles to try and warmup and get my groove back~
It came down to doing small doodles of characters I saw in the suggestion thread (which I'll probably still do haha XP), or doing another lil doodle sheet but with a different character~ I've been itching to do more OmniV story-related stuff after introducing Chai, and with Hiromi jumping in popularity on here and DA, I decided she'll be next for this doodle sheet :3c So here we are ye!~

But now that I'm feeling better, gonna go back to Tifa and try to get her done finally!! >:0




I am deceased!!! Lovely, but it’s Hiromi so that’s a given :0

Joe Dover

Ooh damn Dem hips don’t lie


This is a really cool pic Magnolia! I really love all the peeks into her personality you gave us. I must say you have a way of drawing characters, that really makes you know that they’re deep in thought, or pondering something (not just with the boobie pic~!) Like with the picture of her holding the plush, you can tell she’s thinking about what that means to her, and what that represents in her. Maybe you didn’t intentionally do it, but showing deep emotions subtly like that is something I think you do well (and often!) I also love the little touch of her “training” and the implications that has (Does Leu tie the grils up for training too? Or is that just what she says it is~)...And of course your lil derp campfire is a big ol cute cherry on top to this adorable Hiromi pie~ And as I’ve always said, don’t wear yourself out Mag! If you get frustrated with da Tifa draws n stuffs, just do something else that’s fun and refreshing! Don’t be afraid to take a break! Either way, as always you’ve done an amazing job Magnolia~


Wow, gotta love the array of doodles, the personality on display here. At least it would explain the intensity in my eyes, it’s a blazing… (Love the wee campfire XD) Also, not trying to repeat with other peeps but do try and enjoy yourself Mags~. Happier Maggie is the one we prefer. (ノ^∇^). Great job. (I think I should retire from puns...I'll leave it to the experts)


I will never be able to get Mag points ;-;) cute pic nonetheless


She's my fave!


While I always love me some Leuedai, Hiromi has always been my favorite of your Omniv gals. There's just something about the cool beauty type that I always find to be appealing. Doesn't hurt that she's a ninja too!


Its important that you draw things you enjoy aswell, because we also love seeing your doodles :) We really need to see more of her training >:3 Ps. my last comment completely bugged out.


Dammit I wish I could heat up my cup of tea just like that too ;-; Also Hiromi grabbing her own bewbs just seems so out of character in a charming way xD

willl sargent

Wow. You have made my day by drawing my girlfriend again! Thank you so much! I have SO many questions about theses sketches, so 'll just ask, what is she hmphing about and doing with her hands in the center drawing?


For those points, that top left pose is from Angel Beats


The tea warming is from X-men except it was the cold dude cooling off one :)

Purple Paradox

What you described with struggling to draw the Tifa drawing is EXACTLY how I sometimes feel when I'm writing. Like, you wanna put things down on paper, but your brain's just like "no". Glad you got through it though! With all these doodles sketches, you're making really difficult for me to decided on a favourite OmniV gril (not that I need a favourite XD)! Also that little campfire at the bottom is adorable!


They're too big. That's your fault, Magmag 😏


Stop worrying about your boobs, Hiromi. Trust me, they're fine.

Bryan Holland

Lovely as always so will we see more of hiromi?


Hah thanks Imota!!~ X3c And I like to think that after she was first tied by Banshee a while back, she's been training to escape ropes since then~ XP Tis a lot harder than she thought > w >/ hehe


XP hehehe thank yeee!~ And aww all levels of puns are welcome here tho!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞


>:3c hehe I got some ideas for future draws while I was doodling her training~ :0 oh nuuu it's come to my attention that vanishing comments has been happening lately on here >:T no bueno...


Me tooooo haha it'd be so convenient~ XP XD hahaha the idea for that doodle is that maybe she tried to squeeze through a small gap to get to the other side but her bewbs won't let her, so she's holding and looking at them in annoyance~ XP


Hiromi doesn't have and doesn't need a significant other~ ✊ And the center draw started out as her fixing her hair into the ponytail, but I ended up just going with a lax and non-specific pose~


Yeee it happens on occasion X/ Like whatever you put down just doesn't look right no matter how you rework it >:T Dumb brain hmph And thank ye!~ X3c haha


As a British gal who drinks way too much of it I can appreciate Hiromi's disdain for cold tea! XD This is really cute stuff Mag! ^w^


So big Tifa is on hold so it's time to do some big Hiromi (❁´◡`❁) Beauty, brains, and sass! Glad you're doing ok, MagMag! Love this :)


Awesome art and awesome character


The fact that she kept that plushy is so god dam adorable