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Suggestion Box (Always OPEN :P) :



Had some personal things suddenly happen these past couple days that needed taking care of, so just now getting to these posts uwaaaaaa T        0    T/
This post'll stay pinned and will be updated throughout the month as new things pop up, just so access to these posts'll be easier and in one place~ Then I'll probably delete this once all these thingies are finished as usual~ X3c 



Hope they weren't anything too serious. Thanks for your commitment as always, Maggie! <3


Hope you’re doing okay, family and friends included~ You’re always a ray of sunshine so I hope it’s nothin too bad...Best wishes Magnolia~

Bryan Holland

Is the suggestion box always open? Because i have some characters i like to use.


It is always open yes, but please try to only do one suggestion a month so we don't flood/spam the box to death Dx


Pretty serious tbh but it should start getting better here I hope~ Twas something involving one of my best friends X/ But thank you Dio!!~ ; v ;/ I appreciate it!

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Stay safe and please keep out of trouble, if not for us then for yourself. If you have heard of anything dangerous, please do your best to prepare for it. I know I’m relatively new, but I want the best for everyone, for them to live a full and healthy life.

Bryan Holland

Allright here's mine leudai was walking down a dark alley when suddenly a kidnapper come's from behind otn gagging and tying her up the kidnapper does'nt want to hurt leudai so he puts her in the closet what do you think?

Bryan Holland

I've managed to do so also my suggestion for the kidnapper doesn't want hurt or kill leudai.

Bryan Holland

Well my kidnapper does'nt want to having her bound and gagged is good enough for him to have fun with her.


Take your time. :3 Take care. xD

