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Probably gonna delete this later but just wanted to update y'all~ x0

The draws I've been trying to get done this week are gonna be delayed a lil bit. Everyday for the past few days, something new has come up either Patreon-related or irl that has stressed me out and put me in a bad place mentally. Been trying to get decent looking poses going on these draws but nothing I try is coming out right X/ Keep scrapping things and starting over. My head just isn't in it lately :/ Sorry y'all

Also, I'm gonna have an update announcement about the OC sketch polls after we get this month's poll winners too, so keep an eye out.

Anyways, I have so much I need to catch up on so I'm gonna just keep pushing through starting again tomorrow~ Wanted to finally start on the Erina Nakiri comic thing later this month as well X0

I always hate making downer posts like this and I try to maintain a positive persona as much as I can, but I also feel the need to keep y'all in the loop with what's happenin' too~

So ye~ Sorry again y'all! X0 I'm tryinggggg



Take care of yourself first and foremost Mags! :0


If you have a lot to chase up on maybe you should postpone the fan art and OC submissions until you caught up on everything


It's obvious this means a great deal to you. I can't express how appreciative we are that you slave and toil away at these projects. They really make us happy. At the same time, we also care a great deal about Magnolia. Please take some time for yourself and don't push yourself. We love you so much.


Mags, I'll be frank with you: we all love your art, it's true, but it isn't worth the sacrifice of your well-being. If you need a break, then take a break. If you need to slow down, then slow down. The last thing any of us wants is for you to suffer because you feel like you're not doing a good enough job, or that you aren't doing things fast enough. I've said it before and I'll say it again, your art is ALWAYS worth the wait, no longer how long that wait is. So take a step back and breathe. Everyone here has signed onto your Patreon because we want to support you. That means more than just giving you money for cute DiD pics--it means that we want to see you thrive doing the thing you love. If there EVER comes a point where you might burn yourself out or stress yourself out by forcing yourself to do art more than you can handle, then you aren't thriving, you're hurting. None of us want you to hurt, so it's okay to take a step back and recenter yourself. Just letting us know that you need to do that is enough--we will all understand and we are here for you. And if you need to draw something other than your "scheduled" projects to get back into the groove of things, then do so! I know I sometimes need to do similar things when I write--sometimes you just have to follow your heart and do what you feel like doing, even if it's not quite what you're "supposed" to be working on. We're here for you, Mags! Through thick and thin.


Please, PLEASE don't feel bad about this. I and many others would much prefer you pace yourself and not get burned out. If you need to take time off, do it! We support you because we enjoy the content you produce, not because we view you as a vending machine.


Magnolia...I am not asking, I am TELLING you now, TAKE A BREAK! We aren’t mad at you for lack of art, you’re disappointing absolutely no one by taking a break! We care about the artist! Not just the art Mag! Please stop apologizing, it makes no sense! You’ve done nothing to apologize for! I know exactly how you’re feeling...Hell i’m going through it too right now! But you need to stop thinking you’re at fault when you’ve done nothing but spoil us day after day, and week after week...Take a break, and come back, ONLY when you are in a good headspace! Don’t force yourself into something that hurts you, and stress yourself out even more! We are here for you, and we always have been, so take time to love yourself! If you are getting dissatisfied and angry with yourself, then we can only do so much...I hate seeing good, genuine people, being crushed under their own personal expectations...Stop and smile! Play a game, watch a movie, sleep lots, listen to music, do what makes you smile! And then, and only then, focus on your work...You yourself are the priority, not the art you make. We’re here on patreon to support YOU, the person behind all this immaculate art! Don’t worry what our expectations are, just focus on being happy for no one but you...I hate seeing unhappiness in anyone...and it’s hard to see it in you...Please love yourself is all I can say...This message is for you sincerely, and with all the support and admiration I can muster -Imota

Purple Paradox

Never worry about taking a break Magnolia! We're all here to support you!


Don't feel bad, Mag. Take the time you need to recharge and make your schedule less busy to make sure this doesn't happen as often as now. You're overworking yourself. I know you're doing it in order to not disappoint anyone, but you're not. Your well-being is most important~


Pls take care of yourself. This year has been insane for everyone so I can understand if you need time for yourself. Hope everything goes well your health and safety comes first <3


Mag, listen, I honestly don't care about the draws getting out on time or anything like that. We all appreciate your hard work and dedication to us, but the truth is, it's worth it to overwork yourself for this. Your mental health and safety comes first and foremost please remember that :c I hope my fellow patrons think the same when I say this, but I've always been here with you from the start, and we will never leave you. That's a promise. <3 Please take care of yourself. Take a break! Seriously! No need to panic or rush things. It's. Not. Worth it. On a personal note, my life's pretty hectic right now as well, so I wouldn't blame you if you just wanna take a break for a little bit. We love you. <33


Take a break have a single malt smash the shit out of a punch bag watch some Netflix have a smoke and don't whatever you do worry about us I for one will wait for you to produce your excellent art whenever


As fellow artists, we relate, but for the sake of your health and to avoid burning yourself out, you have to rest and consider your own well-being. Pushing yourself beyond your abilities will only worry everyone and we recommend that you reward yourself by taking a break or heck, draw something YOU would like to draw. You're a human-being, not a machine.