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Very very close to yet another tie! XP

But it looks like Nao Tomori pulled through by 1 vote!~ :O She is our winner for this month! ^       w  ^7 Lots of fun and awesome submissions of grils and series I've never heard of before! Thank y'all for all your submissions this month!~

Phewwww anyways y'all, I've been trying hard to get caught up with the OmniV story text so I've been working on those when I could earlier this week~ Writing is hard = v=/ haha so it's taking me quite a while to get everything I want out in a way that's easy to read... I have very rough drafts of parts 7-12 right now, but I need a very short break from it for now XP My drawing itch is coming back so I wanna drawwww X3c

But also, I'd like to try and get that bonus comic page project started up soon as well! As far as getting voting and such all started for it so ye!~ I'll give y'all a heads up about it once more before I start any sort of polls or anything tho so don't worry :P I still need to get some things sorted out for it X3c

So anyways, until next time y'all! (/ 。         ◁゚)/





Ah man, Himeno Akatsuki was straight up ignored. TT^TT

Joe Dover

Aight, first up: ‘Gratz to the winner. And I gotta say, I CAME SO CLOSE TO WINNING! I only needed like...27 more votes to win! VICTORY WAS WITHIN MY GRASP, DAMN NEAR CLUTCHED.... Oh who the hell am I kidding, I had no chance from the start lol. I did say I was throwing in this match with this suggestion anyways, but now I’ve drawn a conclusion with this experiment: FPS game characters are a no-go in these situations lol


Darn, Guild Girl came so very close, so close. Oh wells, congrats to the winner. Maybe next time.


I feel really bad for all the girls in this poll that we're almost straight up ignored ; n ; And I might be biased but I hope Fiore and the rest of the girls get a better chance next time :3 Congrats to the winner tho :D ❤️


Yes, she won~! Happy~ x3 Surprised there's such a huge gap between her, guild girl and the others though. :o


This was an absolutely brutal poll this time around, lotta grils fell to the wayside...(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) I’m definitely happy for the winner though! I’m still gonna push for my gril in the next poll but yowza was this an interesting one! And good luck with writing and the bonus comics mag!


Yee this was a rough one ; A ;/ It seems even amongst obscure characters, the more recognizable amongst them will still be the ones voted for~ These fan art polls do appear to pretty much be popularity polls in essence :0 uwa


:D woooo congratz to Nao!~ And yeeee seems that even in a poll with more obscure characters, the really obscure ones will still get pushed aside Dx uwa Regardless, Nao should be a fun one to do hehe~ :3c

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:22:03 It really was ; A ;/ I wasn't expecting there to be such a split between first & second and the rest of 'em! Dx But still, Nao'll be a fun one to do~ :3c And thanks Imota! :D
2020-01-18 09:10:48 It really was ; A ;/ I wasn't expecting there to be such a split between first & second and the rest of 'em! Dx But still, Nao'll be a fun one to do~ :3c And thanks Imota! :D

It really was ; A ;/ I wasn't expecting there to be such a split between first & second and the rest of 'em! Dx But still, Nao'll be a fun one to do~ :3c And thanks Imota! :D