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Oof kind of a stressful day but I managed to at least get one thing on my list done~ =     0 =/

Tried out the easier shading method I did with Kairi again and experimented with some things I haven't done in a while XP like the color halftone~ Twas a fun change of pace to do more SFW draws like this :3c (And y'all had some great puns in the WIP post of this draw! XP haha Magnolia-approved!)

Anyways, on to the next things on my list! >:3c hehe




What are you about to do to them?


Let there be colors! Nice to see ya branch out with an SFW draw too. Variety never hurts, especially when focusing on Pokemon characters (and from a new game, too? You're just doing everything right!) Not to mention the fact that, in most DiD art polls on Patreon, any Pokemon or BHA gals are often the winner (not always, but repeatedly enough that it's certainly noticeable). Can't top what's popular, I suppose. Also not sure if it was on purpose, but I just noticed how Bea and Marnie are shown looking to their left and visibly holding their Poke Balls, while Nessa and Sonia are looking to their right and not shown holding Poke Balls. Huh. Das coo. Going back to SFW draws, I'm curious if you plan on doing any other other such pics of characters from given fandoms. Specifically, one of the Losers from It: Chapter 2. https://cdn.onebauer.media/one/empire-images/articles/5cd44ea5133d503e3a499b08/it-chapter-2-trailer.jpg?quality=50&width=1800&ratio=16-9&resizeStyle=aspectfill&format=jpg Since the Club is almost entirely made up of guys, Beverly Marsh (the redheaded woman) would be a cool character to see drawn by you. I don't know if you've ever drawn live-action characters in your style, but it'd be good challenge if you want to try it out. I know, probably an idea I should've mentioned in your suggestion poll post, but...just a thought. Hope tomorrow is less of a stress for you!


Awesome work! Glad you hammered out a charmer like this despite it all! 🙏 And like I said on dA a while back, I'm always down for more SFW art from you. Especially when it looks this good! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Cheers🍷

Joe Dover

Your style makes them look straight out of Persona 5


Wow, this is very NESSA-ary I think. They are all very BEAutiful, espMARNIE in your style. SONIA, now what's next? Sorry not sorry btw. But I will say sorry to hear about your stressful day. I hope you can direct them to my bad puns. :p


Woahhhh this is epic! Sorry you had a bad day (just know you made mine)


(Alright, it has been a bit since checking this out and just facepalms at the pun when scrolling down. Yup, that seems about right, in a good way ('-'*ゞ) Anyways, like the simpler shading, guess it kinda fits with the theme and stressful day huh. (っ´∀`)っ🍰 Have this… I am going to run-out of unique copy-pasterino (or did I already use this one… 😛 idk)


Woo!~ XP hehe And I'm surprised I haven't gotten any BHA grils in the polls yet X3 It'll happen eventually I'm sure haha I don't think I've tried any live-action people yet lol who knows how it'll turn out in my style XD And thanks!~ :3c


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ can't stop da punnies!!~ And woo! Moar cake! (/。◁゚)/ Haha thanks!~ X3c