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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here!:

The Kuro split off and separate the OmniV from each other to take them take them down individually, and Banshee immediately sets her own sights directly on Hiromi, determined to defeat her old friend once again. :O

(Lil note, Banshee's whip can reconnect to create a baton-like weapon O: le gasp!)


I've got one more sketch for this month to post, then I'ma get to work on getting 'em colored and write out the stories 'n such for each part!~ X3c Still got lots 'o story to tell!

On a separate note, it looks like Kairi won the OC sketch poll, so I'ma get to work on her as well!~ Plenty to look forward to over the next couple weeks~ :3c



Joe Dover

Nitouryuu...Ougi! Oops, wrong anime


I don't know who I want to win :P

willl sargent

This, THIS is what I've been waiting for since 2016. Seeing my favorite girl in action! (I love the little detail of her switching the blade to the other side) I wish Hiromi was wearing her mask, but I can live the fact. I hope you draw her wearing it soon. Great job, your comic looks terrific so far!

Thatguyknownasdio (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:28:30 Seriously, why aren't you at comic con? This is on par with a great many of who shows up! <3
2019-07-24 06:15:22 Seriously, why aren't you at comic con? This is on par with a great many of who shows up! <3

Seriously, why aren't you at comic con? This is on par with a great many of who shows up! <3


"I will not lose to you again!" "Then put up more of a fight this time, Hiromi!" Insert battle scene music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgT_mV1Pv5w This action scene is just plain awesome, it's clear you put a lot of effort into it. The contrast between Hiromi's unmasked face and Deirdre's masked one is a neat detail that really emphasizes the differences between these former friends. Not to mention the emphasis on motion lines and...DRAMATIC STARES! I can't wait to find out who Cross and Fox decide to take on, I'm sure their confrontations will be just as dynamic...and we still have the color editions and stories for each sketch to look forward to? More content is always cool, especially yours! (how d'you keep up with it all?)


Ooh Hiromi's pissed! (•́⌄•́๑)૭


If only OmniV was an anime...it would be awesome to see how Studio Bones would approach this scene. Ah well, I guess we'll just have to wait for the animated TV adaptation.


XP I need her to be talking throughout the fight haha but thanks!~ Glad ya like this one!


= v =/ hehe maybe I can try for Denver's Comic Con next year! XP And thanks Dioooo! X3c


Oops my comment didn't go through again XP Haha ye gotta hav those dramatic stares!! X3 And yupyup!~ I just love telling stories :3c so the desire to share this story with everyone helps motivate me to get these done! ᕦ(ò w óˇ)ᕤ


And meanwhile Banshee's just thinking "Okay NOW this is getting interesting!" How do you make those symbols, by the way? Is there a program for it I just haven't heard of?


lol, even though it's happened many times before, I'm hoping hiromi loses. Aside from liking her design the best, I prefer the villains in a story remain intimidating, Getting defeated too early just kills any threat they'll pose in the future.


I have a whole list of faces saved for me to call upon XP But Shio also showed me this fun website with tons of faces just like these! http://japaneseemoticons.me/


That's actually one of the main sites I use! Also this one! http://kaomoji.ru/en/