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Hi friends. I feel so bad for no upload drawings, but  I'm taking the final exams at the university and i 'm working in a 2D animation, that consuming most of my time.  I have been working on this project since last year, the story is not mine, I have been drawing some blueprints, but now I have taken the position of "art director", I changed the design of the characters and art in general, I change the voices too, i payed someone for do it. This is the animatic from the last year,  in this worked 11 people :


Now we are 6 people working in this animation, i hope that everything in this proyect will be fine. This is what we have so far:


 I want to improve a lot more in 2D animation, I have been studying a lot, and for that I also need to improve in drawing, especially in the human anatomy. 

Well friends, tell me some ideas for a new fan art, you know, from cartoons, anime, videogames, etc.. Also,  I would like to practice a simple animation with some character, some ideas?

Well, this is the information for now, I take thanks for your support, they really help me much ~ ♥ 



Wow!! The animation in the second link is super smooth, and the audio sounds really good! This is gonna be great when youre finished!