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This is the (sort of) Demo that I did for the Bulletism lesson in the Intro to Drawing Bad Art Course. Even though this is part of the Intro to Drawing Bad Art Course, which is usually only available to the Tenor tier and up, I'm going to leave this one unlocked for all the tiers! 

For the ITDBAC I'm going to make a few videos about some weird, experimental, and surrealist style methods and techniques that I like to use to contrast with the cold hard fundamentals of drawing and to incorporate randomness and chance into the process. sometimes I use these techniques to get out of my own head or to rediscover the joys of making a mess.

The first technique I'm doing is bulletism, which is just splattering ink onto a piece of paper and just drawing what you see. I did a separate video which was more about that. 

I call it bulletism because that's what Salvador Dali called it. Dali would actually shoot bullets filled with ink at a piece of paper. I just dip a Nerf gun bullet into some ink and shoot it at the paper.

I talk about that in the video as well as the materials I use, Dali, Don Quixote, surrealism, the psychology that influenced the early surrealists, and the mystery of consciousness.  

Have Fun!

Goodnight sweeties.


The Conscious Experience of Ink Blobs: Bulletism Demo (Sort of)- Intro to Drawing Bad Art


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