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I'm pulling the plug on Golden Infinity running on the main site.  After reading multiple comments, even with the fact we ran the poll, it looks to be a mistake.  We will have normal LV pages starting September.  And the GI pages will be unpublished.

Those who want the final pages of GI, they will be run on the discord.  When we get the last pages for the full 14 pages, the comic will become available for free once I arrange the release with freeglass.




Ah, I was wanting to get more into that. But I guess needs musts.


Thats a shame, I was hoping for the rest of GI as well


Any chance you could do a pdf of GI?


What exactly is your discord address? Because I typed in 'Team Lady Valiant' and got nothing, even a search on the keyword valiant did not bring you up.


$7 patrons and above, but the full comic will also be released for free once we have the final pages done, and will be shared at no cost, apologies.