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[One day after the world-shaking earthquake – Freya POV]

Freya hummed from where she was sitting as a figure slowly descended from the sky in front of her and Ottar, a smile entering her face as she opened her mouth to speak, only for her words to get caught in her mouth and her eyes to dilate.

… He lost his virginity.

She could easily sense it. Just as she sensed when someone kissed his lips passionately a month or two ago, she could sense that someone took his first time before she could.

Her arcanum thrummed angrily inside of her as she calmly stood up and approached him with a smile, reveling at how tense he seemed as she approached.

“You sure had an exciting night yesterday, hm?~” She asked with the slightest hint of fury as Michael sighed, immediately realizing she knew what he did yesterday.

He was always a smart boy… Not smart enough to remember not to give his virginity to someone other than his Goddess, but smart enough.

It seems the world was angry on behalf of Freya. The earthquake from yesterday displayed her anger at someone daring to touch her Michael. Which hussy fucking dared-

“... Pfft… Sucks to suck…” The spirit inhabiting Michael’s body slipped out and stared at Freya smugly, leaving Freya shocked as she sensed that the spirit’s first time was also lost yesterday.


Ah… Well, this is quite the conundrum.

Spirits can fuck?-

Freya was conflicted about what to feel. On the one hand, it wasn’t some random skank, or herself forbid- a Goddess. On the other hand, the spirit still did take something that rightfully belonged to her.

She wasn’t concerned with the spirit she met yesterday as she sensed the love it and Michael had for each other. It was not the type of love she desired with Michael, one of two equals and lovers…

It was that of a Master and a Pet. An Owner and their Possession.

Freya had no clue how Michael found such a powerful spirit and managed to tame it so extensively, but she could only dismiss it as her Michael being amazing as usual. The spirit was obsessed with Michael, perhaps as much as her.

She could feel a kinship with such a being. One so dedicated to serving and protecting her Michael, how could she feel anything but appreciation for it? It was a companion that would stand by Michael’s stand until his death and defend him on Freya’s behalf…

But it took her Michael’s first time.

“... You’re really making it hard for me to find someone to release my anger on.~” Freya pouted and complained to Michael while moving forward to wrap her arms around him, hiding her smirk in his chest as she saw him stop the spirit from pushing her away.

The spirit was threatened by her for some reason. Freya didn’t blame it, as any girl would be threatened by a Goddess of Beauty and Love approaching the target of their love and obsession. It- No, Freya should give it enough respect to call it by gender. She didn’t need to worry. Freya was not going to separate her from Michael.

Freya sighed contently and snuggled into Michael’s arms as she finally got to hold him after so long. She could already feel her body growing warmer at his mere touch, a result of her lack of ‘action’ in the last few months, bar the few ‘sessions’ she had with him and his silver tongue.~

Now, if only he’d actually use that tongue for something other than commanding her to cum…

“Mikey.~~” She whined needily while moving her head up to look at him with doe eyes, trailing her hand down his chest to grab-

“Hmph…” She sighed and pouted as he grabbed her hand before she could reach her prize, pouting harder as she saw the exasperated and blank expression he was giving her.

“... Hussy.” The spirit floating behind him accused with a glare as Freya smirked and let go of Michael, ignoring his surprised look as she moved to the spirit’s side and grabbed its hands.

“I must thank you for working so hard and keeping Michael safe, Great Spirit.~” Freya thanked the spirit sincerely while linking their hands together, smiling brightly as she watched the spirit’s eyes widen in surprise and embarrassment. “It brings me great comfort knowing that a powerful and reliable companion is always by Michael’s side.~”

Freya noticed the spirit squirming once she moved forward to wrap her arms around it, a slight smile of amusement entering her face before she froze as she saw Michael glaring at her in the corner of her eyes.

Hm. He noticed that she was about to try and use her charm on the spirit. Oh well.~

The look in his eyes promised nothing but death if she tried, so she wasn’t going to risk it. Freya would be surprised, but it only made sense for him to be protective of his contracted spirit. Especially when they seemed so close.

Freya blinked as the spirit melted in her arms into a puddle of black liquid and quickly floated back into Michael’s body before Freya could react.

“Quite the shy one, huh?~” Freya noted while giggling as Michael stared at himself after the spirit entered him before turning to her with an incredulous raised eyebrow.

“I’m genuinely surprised you’re alive.” He spoke honestly, and Freya was only slightly concerned that her lie detection didn’t go off. She blinked as she saw Michael move towards her and lean down to whisper in her ears. “... For your safety, don’t try that ever again.”

She froze as she heard Michael’s tone. Despite what she expected, he didn’t have the slightest anger in his words. He sounded like he was simply warning her for her safety rather than threatening her, and that made her pause.

What type of spirit did that girl need to be for Michael to feel the need to warn her after she tried messing with it? She thought she heard him almost sound concerned.

“As you wish, Mikey.~” Freya decided to agree as she realized that Michael definitely wasn’t joking with that warning. No reason to refuse and antagonize him and his spirit further anyway.

This was one of Inazami’s, huh? Freya wondered what made it so special compared to the dozen other spirits she knew Izanami created.

Then again, it may be that Izanami found Michael himself intriguing. She couldn’t claim to know her too well as she didn’t interact with her much back in Gekai after all.

What little she did know was that she cared more for her creations than she did for the mortals, so it didn’t make sense for her to care much for Michael. At least before he was contracted to one of her spirits…

So this spirit had to be something special, hm? Makes sense.~

Her Michael wouldn’t choose an average spirit, after all.~

Freya’s thoughts were interrupted as a comet suddenly streaked through the sky and towards them, approaching at an excited pace before crashing into the ground several meters away.

The glowing form of Hikari appeared out of the dust, her face failing to hide her excited smile as she hopped out of the crater and to Michael’s side.

“Mikey! You’re preparing to start teaching the King the power you were talking about, right?” Hikari spoke with a spirited tone once she was next to Michael, her body radiating a pleasant glow that decreased with every second as her magic faded.

A hidden gem Amaterasu picked out, that girl was. Freya would’ve regretted that she couldn’t take her before Amaterasu could, but she didn’t really care anymore.

Despite how beautiful her sun-like soul was, it still didn’t compare to the beauty of Michael’s soul. While Hikari’s soul shined like the sun itself, Michael’s radiated with an unseen color she could only ever gaze upon with Michael.

In other words… If she wanted to look at a sun, she’d look up.

But she could only gaze at that unnatural and beautiful color in Michael’s soul and not anywhere else in the entire world.

Only Michael.

Freya missed the exasperated look Michael sent her as she sighed contently with her hands on her cheeks, daydreaming about him despite being mere meters away from the object of her obsession.

“... We were just about to begin. You’re on time.” Michael finally answered Hikari with a calm nod as the woman beamed happily in response.

Freya giggled.

That girl was totally smitten with Michael. A celebrity crush of sorts, no doubt Amaterasu’s doing.

She would be concerned, but Michael barely ever showed any interest in women whenever she saw him. It wasn’t that he lacked lust; her senses showed that much. Rather, he cared for something more important.


Michael cared most for power. Personal strength, his Familia’s strength, wealth, prestige… any and all types of power.

Which is why Freya had no concerns. Michael may or may not have noticed it, but he’s always treated her better ever since she gave him the Grimoire for his magic. As long as she did not cross a line, at least.

She gave him something that enhanced his prowess significantly, mitigating the anger and hatred he felt towards her for some reason.

Freya hummed. Even after many probes and searches, she never found out how Michael knew all that he did. It was always disorienting to realize that Michael wasn’t the competent and powerful beast he was now, yet he somehow had the same edge and sharpness from the beginning.

“Hmm?” Freya blinked as she saw her body levitating up from the ground, a soft smile entering her face as she saw Michael staring at Ottar expressionlessly as they prepared to spar. She noticed Ottar easing up as he saw her being carried away by Michael’s gravity, a grateful look appearing in his eyes for a moment before his eyes hardened again.

Mikey… acting so cold, yet caring enough to take her away from where the fight was about to commence.

This was his way of flirting, right?~ Yes, surely that was it…

Freya didn’t have any doubt in her mind!

“Are you sure you should be here while this happens, Lady Freya?” Freya blinked out of her love-induced daze to look at the person speaking to her, chuckling as she saw Hikari standing a distance away while staring at the two boys as they prepared to fight.

“I’ll be fine.~ The two know to be mindful of their surroundings while I’m around.” Freya spoke smugly as she saw Hikari’s eyebrows furrowing a little at her words, a small feeling of satisfaction entering her chest at the sight.


Freya didn’t notice the exasperation in Ottar and Michael’s eyes as they squared up, a strange kinship forming between The Target Of Her Obsession and The One Who Handles Her Negligence.

“... What exactly is your relationship with Mikey?” Hikari asked after a few seconds while taking her eyes away from Michael and Ottar as she saw that they were having a stare-off.

“He’s mine.~” Freya answered ‘honestly’ and without hesitation as she imagined the annoyance Michael must feel after hearing that.

And she knew he heard her. She wasn’t far enough away from him that he couldn’t listen to her, not when he was already a level 3.

Hikari stared blankly at her, clearly not believing her claim.

“... Uh-huh. I see.” She drawled before sighing and turning to look at Michael and Ottar as they finally clashed.

A clamor shook the earth beneath them as it did yesterday.

Spear met Greatsword, and Heaven met Earth.



[Timeskip – One Week Later]

“U-Um… Are you ready to go, Mr. Michael?” Miyu questioned hesitantly as she stepped into the room I was staying in, her (former) Goddess following behind her with a bright smirk.

“Awaken, minion!~ Today is the day we head west!” Tsukuyomi proudly announced while puffing her chest out as Miyu looked panicked at Tsukuyomi’s way of addressing me.

Tsukuyomi began calling me her ‘minion’ a few days ago, and I haven’t activated Grand Hubris since… Edias’s attack… so I didn’t really mind it much. It was quite amusing as the Goddess genuinely believed it was a great honor to be her ‘minion’.

“Miyu. Shortie.” I greeted them while standing up and making my way to their side, ignoring the indignant and annoyed look Tsukuyomi sent me at her nickname as I ruffled her hair and patted Miyu’s head. “I’m ready to go. We’ll be using your magic to travel, alright?”

“A-Ah, yes! I’ve already made the preparations I need. We just need to move to the Teleportation Circle.” Miyu nodded with a serious look even as I patted her head, already quite used to it after we spent a week together.

“Hmph… I’ll get you back for this, minion!” Tsukuyomi promised with a pout as she smacked my hand away, grumbling as she tried to fix her hair after I ruffled it.

“Yes, yes. As you say, shortie.” I replied absentmindedly while walking out of the room with an amused smile as I heard Tsukuyomi’s protests again. “Meet me at the Teleportation Circle. I have a few people to say goodbye to.”

I didn’t give Tsukuyomi any attention as she continued grumbling, leaving the room and heading towards the few familiar signatures waiting for me outside the temple instead.

Stepping outside, I spotted the few executives left standing around while chatting quietly. They quieted down once I stepped out, varying emotions on each of their faces as they all felt complexity after the events in the last few weeks.

I spotted Kakusu staring at me with a stern yet exasperated look while Hikari was pursing her lips with furrowed eyebrows. Those two undoubtedly learned of our Familia’s new ‘alliance’ by now as the current and former Familia Captains.

Arashi was staring at me with a mixed look of anger and sadness. He may still feel a little betrayed after last week, and it didn’t help how his girlfriend/fiancé turned out to be the traitor as well.

I actually felt quite a bit bad for him. My previous reservations were gone now that I was allied with the Amaterasu Familia, so I couldn’t help but empathize with the guy after everything around him suddenly collapsed. His lover turned out to be a traitor, and his newest ‘friend’ wasn’t much better.

Perhaps… I treated you too harshly.


Behind Kakusu were the two unfamiliar figures of a young man in light armor similar to Kakusu’s (yet oddly looks like ninja garbs?) and a moderately armored young girl with a flower-hilted nodachi that was ridiculously long.

The young man was most likely Hayate Nijouno, Kakusu’s protégé. He had dark green hair that reminded me of a certain Zenin and creepy golden eyes that contrasted with the ridiculous ninja clothing he had on. An odd thing I noticed was that he had absolutely no magic inside of him, and his body actively repelled any of the surrounding mana away from him.

The young girl beside him was undoubtedly Ayaka Ichijouno, the youngest of the executives and… surprisingly, not the weakest. I raised an eyebrow as I momentarily inspected the raven-haired girl, finding her to be level 4 despite looking no older than 18-19. She was wearing samurai-like armor and was staring at me with cold, striking green eyes.

The two other executives, huh? They don’t seem happy to see me.

“Kakusu. Hikari.” I first greeted the two at the front as Kakusu’s face twisted in exasperation and annoyance at my nonconsensual use of his first name while Hikari smiled hesitantly.

“Brat.” Kakusu sighed and raised a hand to signal for the boy behind him to stop as I noticed Hayate pausing his advance, a slightly angered expression on his face at my casual way of addressing Kakusu. “... When will you learn to think before you speak?”

“Mikey.” Hikari greeted back quietly while glancing behind me, likely towards where she sensed Miyu and Tsukuyomi were. “Let it go, Mr. Kakusu. He’s leaving today, after all.”

Kakusu snorted as Hikari tried to plead on my behalf, rolling his eyes and staring at me with a slight frown.

“You two should undoubtedly know by now, correct?” I asked rhetorically as the two nodded, leaving the other three behind them confused about what I was talking about.

“... I have no idea how you pulled off what you did. To even convince her to take Lady Tsukuyomi…” Kakusu paused briefly and narrowed his eyes at me before sighing tiredly. “... Problem child.”

“I can’t say I’m not surprised either…” Hikari admitted sheepishly while stepping forward and offering something in her hand to me. “Here… It probably isn’t much, but I hope this lucky charm can aid you.”

I blinked in surprise while taking the bracelet she was offering, inspecting the charm for a few seconds before smiling slightly and nodding my head.

It didn’t need to be said that she was hinting at the battle with Izanami that I’d be having in a week. Failure meant giving my servitude to their biggest enemy, Izanami.

I wasn’t going to fail, but she doesn’t know that.

I carefully slipped the bracelet onto my right arm (as Inumakis seem to have a history of losing their left ones) and nodded my head to thank Hikari.

“... I’ll drop by once I win. I’ll make sure to bring a souvenir with me as well.” I confidently reassured her as she smiled softly and returned the nod.

“I’ll be waiting, then.” She muttered quietly before stepping back and turning around. Her body glowed like it did when she prepared to fly, but she suddenly paused before she could leave.

“Michael…” She tilted her head back to look at me while using my full name for once. Her eyes blazed with an intense heat as she stared into my eyes, a firm seriousness clear in the two suns. “... Take care of Miyu. Don’t lose.”

The heat emanating from her body was like that of a scorching desert’s merciless sun rays during noon. Yet, despite the threatening heat emanating from her, I knew that her words were not a warning.

“... Loss has not yet found itself in my lexicon. My only options are victory… or death.” I didn’t directly answer her words, raising my right hand to idly trace my fingers over the new bracelet luck charm she gave me without looking at her. “Miyu is one of mine. There is no safer place for her than by my side.”

Hikari silently nodded her head one last time before her body glowed even brighter, and she took off, leaving a trail of fire and light in her wake as she streaked through the night sky like a shooting star.

“... Arashi.” I finally turned my head to the giant man standing next to Kakusu silently for minutes now. “... Excuse me for not greeting you until now.”

I was actually quite conflicted about what to do regarding him. He’s probably the executive I liked most, discounting Miyu. He was basically just Bell but on heavy steroids.

Perhaps an apology… But what did I have to apologize for? Defending myself from the people trying to steal me away? Bluntly stating my intentions the entire time despite no one believing me? Taking Miyu away from a place that had starved her for several days and ostracized her and her Goddess because of the spite of one Goddess?

I have done no wrong. We only ceased being enemies when the Binding Vow between Amaterasu and I declaring our alliance was initiated. Before that, everyone standing before me was a threat to my and my Familia’s safety.

“... Why.” Arashi eventually asked, his voice sounding both frustrated and despairing as he stared at me. “Why did it have to be this way?”

“Why? That’s simple… This was the Will of the Gods, Arashi.” I tilted my head at his question before sighing tiredly and giving him the true answer without fanfare. “Your Supreme Goddess coveted what wasn’t hers, and the people beneath her suffered for it. She-Who-Invites did the same, and the people beneath her suffered for it.”

“... It is the nature of this world for Gods to desire, and for Mortals to suffer for it,” I stated somberly as Arashi stared at me with widened eyes, incapable of understanding what it was that I was saying even if he understood the words.

After all, the Gods were sacred to them. You did not blame them for your suffering. You blamed your enemies. You blamed your friends.

Never the Gods.

“I do not bend to the will of the overgrown children we call ‘Gods’.” I shrugged my shoulders while explaining, uncaring of how heretical or arrogant my words were. “They touched the wrong flame and were burnt for it. That was all there was to it…”

“... Your pain? It was all merely a result of their greed.” I finished with an unapologetic shrug, a pitying smile on my face.

Arashi stared at me with shock after my disturbingly arrogant words, his frustration forgotten momentarily from how unsettled he was at my words.

“That means… you don’t have anything against the Far East?” He eventually managed to ask after getting over his astonishment, his face falling as I casually shook my head.

It would’ve been easier for him if I did. It’s easy to respond to hate with hate, but how could he hate me when all I did was defend myself?

Sure, he might not see taking Miyu away as ‘defending myself’, but he, as an executive, knew exactly how bad the treatment Miyu endured was. Ultimately, she wasn’t the traitor, yet she still was subjected to such cruelty.

Despite Arashi's anger when he learned that Miyu was a ‘traitor’, he still cared for her deeply, just as all the executives seemed to for each other. Taking her away after that injustice was reasonable.

Looking past that, there wasn’t much I did that could garner hate from him. The one time some Royal Court soldiers got caught in the crossfire of my attack? Arashi has literally never heard of Damage Control in his life. He’s likely caused just as much damage, if not more, with his attacks before.

Fighting Hikari? She initiated the fight even if I was the one who gauded her into it. Not to mention how the entire situation was a big oopsie on their part after they used their harsh ‘recall’ letter on a dude who wasn’t even Far Eastern.

“No. It’s… actually quite reminiscent of my home. I daresay I’m quite fond of it despite the ‘incidents’ that occurred here.” I answered while rubbing my neck as a small smile entered Arashi’s face at my words before it faded. “It’s why I’ll eventually settle here as per my agreement with Amaterasu.”

Arashi froze.

The two executives behind Kakusu froze.

“... What?” Kakusu was surprisingly the one who asked the question on all of their minds, surprising me as I thought he’d have known.

“Did Amaterasu not tell you? Part of our alliance was that my lineage would settle in the Far East to act as protectors for the Far East in the future.” I stared at Kakusu curiously with a raised eyebrow as his eyes widened. “I’m the last of my people, but it won’t stay that way forever. I’d rather stay in the Far East than Orario, where Gods are a dime a dozen.”

“... Alliance?” The young girl behind Kakusu questioned with a seemingly expressionless tone, yet undoubtedly with a hint of confusion and curiosity.

“You were probably meant to be informed after I left, but the Amaterasu Familia and the Hestia Familia are officially allied now. I, and my Familia, will come to your aid when needed just as you are expected to do the same.” I informed the executives with a small smirk as they all stared at me with dumbfounded expressions, immediately turning their heads to Kakusu to stare at their mentor for confirmation.

“... I wasn’t aware of the settling thing, but he isn’t lying about the alliance.” Kakusu confirmed tiredly while sighing and taking out the same flask he used to drink before, gulping down its content without hesitation.

“... So you’re an ally?” Arashi asked with a slightly hopeful tone as I smirked.

“Your greatest ally, considering how I’m killing your greatest enemy in a week.” I playfully pointed out to lighten his mood as his face brightened for a moment before immediately falling as he looked horrified.

“Sir Kakusu! Did you hear that!? We must assist Michael in his upcoming battle against Izanami no matter what!” Arashi yelled with urgency as his body sparked with lightning due to the intensity of his determination and emotions. His eyes stared pleadingly into Kakusu’s cold yet regretful ones as the older man shook his head sadly.

“... I wish we could, Arashi, but you heard the terms of the contract. Inumaki can’t bring anyone with him to the location of the battlefield, or he’d risk suffering the consequences of the ‘Binding Vow’ he formed.” Kakusu regretfully denied any possibility for them to help me as Arashi despaired.

“Calm down, Arashi.” I spoke from behind the big guy while placing my hand on his shoulder as he turned to look at me with a complicated expression. “I’ve got it all under control.”

“... Surely there’s something we can do?” He asked dispiritedly while switching between Kakusu and me as both Kakusu and I shook our heads again.

“... The brat’s got it covered, Arashi. We can’t do anything except pray that the Gods aid him in his battle…” Kakusu tiredly explained while staring at me with a frown as I chuckled.

“No need to pray to the Gods. After all, those very Gods are the enemy I’m facing.” I finally let go of Arashi’s shoulder after turning him around to face me, surprising everyone as I slapped his face with enough force to make an audible sound.


“W-what…” He managed to mutter dazedly before locking eyes with me and freezing.

“Get your head in the game, Stormbringer.” I commanded sharply while staring into his eyes with my Cursed Energy-infused ones, the malicious and intimidating aura shocking Arashi out of his stupor. “You’re the big man of this Familia, are you not? Is this little setback really gonna make you lose your composure to this extent?”

“Michael-” Kakusu attempted to stop me once he saw what I was doing, but one sharp glare had him quiet down momentarily as he decided to wait and see for now.

“You see those two executives behind Kakusu? They’re looking up to you now that Reimei is gone.” I bluntly pointed out as the aforementioned duo of executives stiffened in surprise at being mentioned. “This isn’t the time to grieve, Arashi. This is the time to work harder to stop a situation like this from ever repeating, got it?”

“Do you think this would’ve happened if you were stronger?” I asked with a tilted head as Arashi gritted his teeth and looked down, only to raise his head in shock as I slapped him again. “No, I’m not telling you to have a pity party with ‘if only’ and ‘I wish’. I’m telling you to get stronger, understand?”

“We’re allies now, Arashi. I won’t have the only competent male elder executive drown in sorrow – or, god forbid, end up like that guy.” I idly gestured to Kakusu as the old man looked affronted for a second before he gained a thoughtful expression and nodded in agreement. I stared into Arashi’s eyes seriously after turning away from Kakusu, taking a short breath.

“Stand proud, Arashi.”

You’re strong.

Arashi was frozen solid as I finished my speech, incapable of moving even after I turned around and began walking back into the temple.

“... I’ll check up on you guys after I’m done destroying Yomi. Don’t disappoint me.” I spoke to all four executives as I walked away, waving a hand to wave them goodbye without looking back at their responses.

“Wait!” I heard Arashi scream out for me just as I was about to close the door behind me, making me pause and turn to look at him. “Inumaki Michael… Don’t you dare lose! If you end up losing to that woman, I’ll get strong enough to beat you to a pulp and then drag you back to our- your and our Familias!” Arashi promised loudly, with electricity coursing across his body, a blue glow in his eyes as he stared at me with determination.

“Pfft… As if I’d lose to either Izanami or you. Keep fantasizing, musclehead.” I chuckled and shook my head at the idiot. “... I won’t.”

I stifled my laughter as I heard him protesting his ‘musclehead’ status, ignoring his complaints as I closed the door and walked towards the teleportation circle where Miyu and Tsukuyomi were waiting for me.

The room was slightly warmer than usual despite the open windows, which was undoubtedly caused by the prideful and disgruntled Goddess standing in front of Tsukuyomi.

“Amaterasu,” I called out as I entered the chamber, and all eyes immediately turned to me. I noticed Miyu staring at me with an almost desperate plea for help all over her face while Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu looked at me like I was their savior. “... What’s happening here?”

“Minion! Perfect timing.” Tsukuyomi ran to my side before stopping in front of me with her hands on her hips and puffing her chest out strangely. “Tell us, of the two of us, who is more attractive!?”

… Huh?

“... Huh?” I stared at Tsukuyomi with twitching eyebrows before looking at Amaterasu and turning even more incredulous as the Goddess crossed her arms below her sizable bust to emphasize it with a smug smirk on her face. “... Miyu, is this what they’ve been discussing this entire time?”

Miyu looked surprised at being addressed but quickly shook her head tiredly.

“... It started with Lady Amaterasu trying to convince my Goddess to stay in the Far East, but it somehow devolved into them arguing about who is more beautiful between them,” Miyu explained with a sigh as Amaterasu coughed a little to hide her ashamed expression after her embarrassing actions were verbalized.

“Come on! Don’t keep me waiting, minion! The answer is obvious, is it not??” On the other hand, Tsukuyomi did not have a shred of shame on her face as she continued proudly showing herself off.

{Council, assemble!} I called upon Edias for advice as she grumbled in irritation after I formed the mental link.

[... They both ugly… I’m better…]

{Noted.} I mentally nodded my head and then cut our connection as I knew I wasn’t gonna get anything helpful from the #1 God Hater.

While Tsukuyomi was quite a bit shorter than Amaterasu, she definitely did not lose when it came to the divine beauty gods had. Despite not having clothes and jewelry as fancy as Amaterasu, her face was still just as ethereal and beautiful – perhaps perfect.

Despite her short stature, she was still a head taller than Hestia, so I couldn’t immediately discard her for being a loli (sorry, Hestia, get taller soon). Amaterasu was undoubtedly more ‘gifted’, but Tsukuyomi more than made up for it with her unique temperament. Not to mention white hair. Always a plus.

Hmm… Troublesome.

“So… Michael?” Amaterasu impatiently asked as she saw me humming thoughtfully with a hand on my chin. Tsukuyomi nodded in agreement as well to urge me to decide already.

I got it!

“I’d pick…” The two of them stared at me with anticipation as I trailed off dramatically for a moment before raising a finger to point at…



Tsukuyomi collapsed dramatically while Amaterasu gaped at me in shock.

[... Fucking main character simp…]

I almost burst out laughing once Edias began cursing me out for my choice, having difficulty keeping my composure as I tried to cough into my fist to collect myself.

“Ahem… While Amaterasu is undoubtedly more endowed in certain areas, Tsukuyomi’s physical traits are cuter in my eyes. That’s why it would have been difficult to decide – If not for Miyu!” I pointed at the flabbergasted girl as she stared at me in shock, an atomic blush on her face.

“You see, Miyu has all of Tsukuyomi’s adorable features like eye and hair color… Yet also has an endowed figure closer to Amaterasu’s! She’s the perfect mix of the two aspects!” I explained while nodding to myself proudly, leaving out the part where Miyu doesn’t have the supernatural divine beauty of the two Goddesses.

My words weren’t a complete lie, though. It was almost funny how much Miyu’s figure resembled Amaterasu’s. I glanced down at Tsukuyomi to see her staring at me with widened eyes, looking astonished and staying silent for once as she gazed at me in awe before she eventually regained her composure.

“Ahem… That technically means that I’m the more beautiful one, Amaterasu!” Tsukuyomi declared proudly while turning to Amaterasu as the sun goddess stared at her with surprise before scoffing. “She’s my child and is practically a copy of me, after all!”

“You wish you filled your clothes half as well as she does, Tsukuyomi.” Amaterasu retorted with an eye-roll as Tsukuyomi flinched and stared down at her body with despair.

“... It’s okay, shortie. Flat is Justice.” I consoled the devastated goddess before the psychological damage could destroy her as she looked at me with surprise.

“... M-Minion!” She bit her trembling lower lip for a few seconds before failing to hold herself back and jumping at me while wrapping her arms around my back (she tried to reach my neck, but failed).

Amaterasu stared at the scene with twitching eyebrows and turned away, glaring at the floorboard with nearly enough heat in her gaze to make it catch on fire.

“... Miyu, get your Goddess off of me.” I requested exasperatedly while patting Tsukuyomi’s back after unsuccessfully trying to pry her away, her limbs too firmly wrapped around me. I’d hurt her if I used too much force, so I couldn’t just pull her away with my actual strength.

“A-Ah, sorry!” Miyu quickly made her way to my side to try to pry her Goddess away, eventually managing to switch places with me as Tsukuyomi latched onto her instead while sniffling.

“... Thank you. Now, I think it’s about time we finally head out. We’re burning moonlight, after all.” I nodded to Miyu in gratitude and stepped forward into the teleportation circle, facing Amaterasu as she finally got over what happened and stared at me seriously.

“Inumaki Michael.” She said simply while staring into my eyes.

I craned my head to the side and stared into her eyes.


“... You understand the consequences of losing, don’t you?” She asked seriously while stepping forward until the two glowing suns in her eyes were glaring into my very soul, illuminating my vision completely.

“More than you do.” I nodded solemnly.

“... Then you know what you must do.” Amaterasu finally closed her eyes and slowly nodded, her expression quite grave. She hesitated momentarily before stepping forward until it looked like we were hugging.

Instead of hugging me, she leaned closer to whisper in my ears.

“... Keep Tsukuyomi safe, no matter what.” She ordered– nay, requested quietly while staring at the Goddess still latching onto Miyu behind me, her hands on my chest as she made it look like she was hugging me to Miyu and Tsukuyomi.

[... What a Tsundere…]

“I will.” I nodded while mentally agreeing with Edias.

Amaterasu sighed with a complex expression and nodded. I managed to spot a small smile on her face once she stepped back, though.

“Very well. It appears it’s time for you to go, Inumaki Michael.” Amaterasu muttered as her smile faded into a more bitter one, her eyes glancing at Tsukuyomi and Miyu again.

She seemed quite bitter. I couldn’t blame her; her previous partner was running off with the ‘boy of her dreams’. Minus the romance part.

“... Say, what’s stopping me from kidnapping you here and taking you with us to Orario?” I asked in amusement while grabbing Amaterasu’s hand. Her eyes widened in surprise before the bitterness on her face faded, and a bright smile quickly replaced it.

“A fresh start with you two, huh? Perhaps… That wouldn’t be so bad.” Amaterasu smiled in amusement before softly shaking her head and gently taking her hand back from mine, her other hand moving to caress the one I held. “... Yes, maybe in a thousand years. I’ll go with you then.”

“Waiting for my next reincarnation, huh?” I rolled my eyes in amusement and swiped my hand at Amaterasu as her body slowly floated up to the pedestal above the teleportation circle that Hikari once received me on. ”Greedy.”

“Very.” She didn’t protest against the accusation as her feet softly landed on the pedestal. Her eyes glowed alongside the teleportation circle, and she glanced at Miyu to begin chanting after she activated the circle for her.

“Please stay close!” Miyu instructed Tsukuyomi and me as the short Goddess let go of her so as to not disturb her focus and jumped at me again instead.

The teleportation circle glowed brighter as Miyu began chanting the long chant required for the teleportation, her voice filling the silence of the night as the circle illuminated the room with a soft light not dissimilar to moonlight.

A while later, I sensed Miyu was almost done and turned to look at Amaterasu, smiling as I saw the complicated expression on her face.

“Oi, Ama-chan,” I called out to the Goddess as she snapped out of her daze, and her eyes turned to me in shock at my nickname. “Relax. I’ll keep your ex-wife safe. Just wait for my return, dumbass.”

She froze at the disrespect in my words as her mind raced to try and process what I said, but she didn’t get the chance as Tsukuyomi began laughing.

“HAHAHA! Did you hear that?? He called you Ama-chan! Dumbass-” Tsukuyomi’s words were interrupted as the teleportation finally commenced and took us away, leaving Amaterasu alone in the dim light of the barren teleportation chamber.

“... Idiots.” She muttered softly as she stepped away from the pedestal.

[Hestia Familia Manor]

“Not exactly who I expected to greet me when I returned…” I noted as I stared at Takemikazuchi’s shocked face, stepping into my home with Miyu and Tsukuyomi behind me as they stared at Take with shock as well.

They were naturally very familiar with him. Takemikazuchi ran the little orphanage Miyu and Take’s Familia were from alongside Tsukuyomi.

I paused.

I never asked, but who’s taking care of the children in the orphanage now that Tsukuyomi is here?

“Lady Tsukuyomi!? Who’s taking care of the orphanage if you’re here??” Takemikazuchi asked in horror and surprise as Tsukuyomi blinked before grinning and puffing her chest proudly.

“Calm down! I handled things on my end, and they’re being taken care of quite well now.” She explained smugly with her hands on her hips as I hummed thoughtfully.

So that was what she was running around for in the past week, huh?

She totally did something with Amaterasu.

[... Seggs…]


“W-Wait, Michael, you’re back!” Takemikazuchi exclaimed excitedly as a few of his children came out and stared at me in shock. I noticed a few of them shrinking down in shame upon spotting me, making my eyes narrow.

“... What happened? Speak.” I ordered Takemikazuchi without batting an eye as a slightly intimidating aura descended onto my home from the leaking Cursed Energy inside me.

“My children did a Pass Parade on your Familia members while escaping a monster party because of their injuries!” Takemikazuchi answered involuntarily as his eyes widened in shock at my aura and command, his hand reaching up to block his mouth as he stared at the ground in horror. “W-What…”


So that didn’t change, huh?

I breathed out a sigh of relief, much to the confusion of everyone around me. The aura around me dissipated, and a drink floated out of the refrigerator towards me as I casually moved into the living room to sit down.

Wait, didn’t the Apollo Familia shit happen first? No, it happened after! Because uhh… Welf had leveled up by that point, I think. Hm…

“That’s it, huh? Jeez, I almost thought that something bad happened.” I chuckled and took a second to appreciate the interior of my home for the first time in weeks, ignoring the flabbergasted expressions of everyone around.

“... I don’t think you understand. Your Familia members were ambushed by a horde of monsters in the dungeon. Tomorrow is the day of their- your battle against the Apollo Familia! Even if they were fine, they won’t come out unscathed…” Takemikazuchi clearly felt regretful of his Familia’s actions, but he didn’t understand.

My Familia was fine.

The three down there were most likely Bell, Lily, and Welf. I’m not sure how the third was doing, but Bell and Lily would undoubtedly be fine after the hell I put them through.

That’s without mentioning the fact that I own the dungeon. Edias won’t torment them like she did in the original. In the worst-case scenario, she’d bring them all up and out of danger.

Speaking of which-

{How are they doing?}

[... Fine… Bell is flabbergasted about… why Hestia went down there…]

Oh? Hestia still went down despite knowing their capabilities?

[... Hermes forced her… She didn’t think they were… in any danger… She’s mocking Hermes…]

I snorted as Edias (literally) read my thoughts and answered why Hestia was down there, leaving me amused as I imagined the reaction of Hermes.


{Drop an Enhanced Goliath on their asses.}

[... Aye, Aye, Captain…]

Everyone in the room shivered as an ominous chuckle suddenly left my lips, a feeling of dread overcoming them as they thought that I may have ‘understood’ the gravity of the situation and was now upset.

“Nah, they’re fine.” I casually shrugged and sipped the drink I summoned earlier, leaving them flabbergasted again at my nonchalance. “Oh! Actually, I should probably thank you.”

“Thank… me?” Take muttered in astonishment as I nodded with a smirk.

“That pass parade should give them a bit more of a challenge and help them grow stronger. I wasn’t here to create such scenarios, so I should thank you for doing so on my behalf.” I ‘explained’ innocently as Takemikazuchi stared at me with astonishment before his eyes widened in horror.

“... No wonder. The fastest two level-ups in history, and it's thanks to such a grueling practice…” I chuckled as he came to the wrong, yet not wholly incorrect, conclusion.

We would not have grown as fast as we did if not for our hard work in the dungeon, but we’d still have been the fastest even if we didn’t work that hard.

“Hm… I’ll go check up on them, I suppose. Oh! I suppose I must introduce you.” I stood up and placed the drink on the table while moving to Tsukuyomi and Miyu’s side. “This is Miyu, former Captain of Tsukuyomi Familia and Executive of the Amaterasu Familia. She’s now the newest member of the Hestia Familia.”

Their eyes bulged out of their skulls as I told them that I stole Miyu away from the Amaterasu Familia, something they thought would never happen, as Amaterasu would never let Tsukuyomi get her back.

They looked at Miyu with confused looks as the girl flushed and hid her face behind her hands.

“This is Shortie. I found her on the street and decided to take her home.” I didn’t pause and introduced Tsukuyomi while lifting her up by the collar. She stared at me in shock at my introduction before thrashing around angrily. “She’s a bit feisty.”

“Who are you talking about like that, you bastard!” Tsukuyomi punched my chest angrily without pause. I didn’t flinch at her weak punches, angering her further. “You dare speak to your boss like that, minion!?”

“Very feisty,” I repeated with a nod, letting Tsukuyomi down while hiding an amused smile as I moved to the front door, ignoring her angered promises of vengeance. “In all seriousness, I’ll let you all catch up while I check up on the kids.”

“T-Thank you, Michael.” Miyu bowed her head in gratitude, and I took the chance to pat her head before I stepped out.

“Make yourself comfortable, Miyu. I’ll leave this gathering in your hands.” I gave her a small smile before locking eyes with Tsukuyomi and giving her a look, one she reciprocated with a nod after a moment of surprise.

Tsukuyomi was competent when she wasn’t acting the fool; I learned that much after a few days of observation. She’d explain things to Takemikazuchi and his familia without revealing anything unnecessary under the guise of dramatics.

I took one last look at my home, smiling as I appreciated the familiar architecture before turning around.

{How’s it going?} I checked with Edias on the progress of my Familia against the Enhanced Goliath.

[... The people of Rivira… Are rallying against it…]


{Keep watch. I have something very important to deal with before I retrieve the children.} I instructed Edias while shooting into the sky in the direction of one of the other districts of Orario.

Specifically, the Red-Light District.

Yes... It was finally time to save the fox from its hopeless prison.

Oh mah lordie. Sure been a while, huh? 

Happy Valentine's day or something... Like a day late for that, but better late than never I suppose.

Good news, we're finally back in Orario! The Far East arc is technically not fully over yet, but we've at least returned to common grounds that we all know and love (hate, fuck you Omori).

Before anyone points out timeline discrepancies... Yeah, I know.

Butterfly effect + speeding up because we ain't no bitches.

Gonna start working on the next chapter ASAP. Pray for me tho, I got accepted to one of the best colleges around where I live. Just need to finish one last wave of examinations.

The next chapter is going to be for dungeon again because it'd be cruel to leave you with so little like this again for too long. Expect fox girl next time. 

I'm done yapping tho. I got chapters to post and shit to write. Smell ya later, losers.

Oh shout out to the homie in the Very Anxious role. I feel you bro, I'm very anxious too.



Excellent, loved the pep talks. Will make the actual battle so much sweeter


congrats bro!!!