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One of the few episodes I know from the title. It remains clear in my mind I always enjoyed it which is weird as Michael is one of my least favorite characters. Not that i dislike him i just like everyone else more. Except Jesse, really hate Jesse.


1. Someone in comments: "Thank you for deciding to watch Roswell: New Mexico" ....You: "Haven't decided it yet, but I will be yes" ....That went from being "indecisive" to a 100 in ONE. sentence ....But also.. There was less than 0% chance you weren't gonna watch it anyways 2. I had to rewatch the intro cause you were distracting me ....Yeah not only to the "alien" cast members names show up in alien language first ...They're also the only cast members who show up with a blue filter instead of the orange one ....Also you were questioning if the alien language to human language change was always in the intro ...It was not ...This is definitely a Season 3 thing 3. Yeah first of all... What's with the "Mr. Ramirez.. Fancy meeting you here" "Isabel.. Evans?? Aren't you out late for a school night?" ....Why are they still acting like they don't know eachother that well when there's nobody around that knows them?? .....And second... Yeah if you wanna suck face like that ...Don't do it in a supermarket ...Nobody wants to see that shit ....Also they're looking around smiling at what can only be customers off camera who stopped to see 2 grown ass adults getting intimate in aisle 3 4. Isabel: "My parents can barely get used to the idea of me dating high school guys" ......This bish did not just say that ...Sooooo... I guess we're left to assume that the parents never knew she was dating a 30+ year old Rock Dude 5. Oh good.. Kyle! You cockblocked them! ...Nice! ....For a moment there I was worried that if they'd go on like this someone was gonna find them forking in front of the slurpy machine 6. You: "You couldn't gone down an alley way or something?? You picked a convenient store?" .....An alley way??? Froots... The fuck kinda nasty shit are you into?? Giving homeless people a show? ....My suggestion would be to get a room 7. Michael... Mah dude... You got what you deserved ...You were slacking on the job.. Your FIRST. day on the job and you turned the place into a madhouse and stole drinks ...You deserved to get fired ....I'm all about fun.. But there's a time and a place ...And the first day on the job is NOT. it 8. Max and Liz are sucking face in the kitchen of the Crashdown ...I'm sitting here wondering ...Where the FUCK. is the cook!?!? Who is preparing the food!? ....And are they about to get it on on top of said food or is Kyle ready for another round of cockblocking? 9. Kyle tells Isabel "Good for you" ...Referring that Max has Liz.. Michael has Maria ...Isabel has Jesse ......But what does Kyle have though?? ...Why doesn't Kyle get paired up with some girl or guy?? ....Wait... Is he cockblocking out of spite?!!? ....That little shit... I'm onto you mah dude!! 10. Max and Michael are looking at a full tray of unopened Snapple drinks ...You: "Didn't Maria take one?" ....Hey Froots.. I'mma let you in on a little secret ...There's this place called a "supermarket" (sue-purr-mahr-kit)... It's like this big building.. Right? ...And in this building they have like a TON. of different products ...And there's these people who own that supermarket and those products ....And guess what? .....Go on ...Guess .....THAT'S RIGHT!! They sell those products!!! .....Weird right!?!? ....Yeah so Max and Michael are looking at a NEW. tray of unopened Snapple drinks here ya dum dum.... How do I know this??? Look at the plastic on the tray ...It's not ripped or anything ...That's a new tray 11. Wait hold up... Kyle is working every day??? When did mah dude graduate!? ...I thought he was in the same class year as Max, Liz, Michael and Maria? ....And now that I'm thinking about it ...Wasn't Isabel supposed to go to San Francisco or something to college or whatever?? Why is she back in high school??? ...She said last season she didn't need to be there any more 12. Kyle complains to Jim that he's been working his ass off the past few weeks ....You: "Big deal Kyle... Come back when you've been doing this for 4 to 5 years" .....Yeah... Imagine how Jim feels ...He worked for MOST. of Kyle's life to provide for him ..To put a roof over his head ....Kyle is being a bit ungrateful there ....And also... Dude is getting old... If he wants to spend his time pursuing his dreams of singing in a bar then... Be a little bit more supportive ...It's not all about you Kyle! 13. Micheal: "Yeah we stole the Snapple.. But we did our job well!" ....Bish... You guys were stealing shit.. Eating pizza and playing games on the job... You were doing your job WRONG. ....I mean sure.. John Locke shouldn't be stealing shit either ....But you guys DESERVED. to be fired ...Or at the very least Michael deserved it ...This whole plot-twist is a bit too flimsy to take in 14. Wait hold on.... Mah dude fired the ENTIRE. graveyard shift and didn't replace them?!? ...He fired 5 people.... 5!!! .....And since then he's been doing their job solo!?!?! ....If he can do THEIR. job solo ....Why did it take 5 people to do it before?!? 15. YUP!... You are NOT. wrong Froots ....4 people saw John Locke do shady shit and the sheriff is like "Nah.. You guys are making this shit up" ....This is bullshit ....Luckily Michael was able to use his powers to somewhat loudly fix the tape while he was surrounded by everyone else in the room 16. Ok... Ehm... John Locke got arrested... Sure... Fine... Whatever ....But what gives the sheriff the authority to re-hire Michael and his new friends as the security guards for this company???? Pretty fucking sure that's not how this shit works.. But ok 17. Wait GHWAT!?!?! ....Max and Liz go into the Crashdown and have their little moment... Liz leaves... Max is leaving and apparently Liz's dad was sitting at the bar the entire fucking time?!!? .....Froots... I think we just found 2 people who are even worse at spotting something obvious than you are 18. HUH!?!? Soooooo... Lemme get this straight... You filed out ALL. the paper work to this all-girl school somewhere far away from Roswell... Like... You legit already did ALL. the planning ....And THIS. is what you're using to threaten Max with??? ....I don't feel like this is about Liz seeing Max at all.... I feel like Liz's parents are finally stepping up after 2 seasons of being basically shitty parents and they just want their daughter out the house or something ...They... Or at least the dad... PRE-PLANNED. this shit! ....The FUCK!?!?