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My opinion on Lori moving on too fast is that its the zombie apocalypse, normal society rules dont apply anymore. Especially when traumatic events happen you get closer with people you are with. In a normal world its very sketchy but considering the circumstances i dont think its really a big deal. They probably filmed this flashback scene before he shaved his head, they never film in order. Oh damn look at that barn full of walkers. This was an okay episode. Not my favorite but it was still enjoyable.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I doubt very much anyone watching would be upset if your dress malfunc .....Actually I'm just gonna move on from this note ...But hopefully you've managed to replace it by now 2. On the topic of you watching this show ...I've already seen improvement ...Certain games were playing where before you'd have been scared are now seemingly much easier for you ..Or at least a BIT. easier ...You're doing great! ...THIS. is the reason why I supported your choice to watch it and why I helped select it ...I'm hopeful that it will continue to help you conquer your fear ...Proud of you Froots! 3. Yeah the section of you talking about your choice to watch the show and thanking people for the support WILL. stay in the edit ...It's only the comment reading section itself that I cut out 4. From what I could find.. There's multiple sources claiming the ship name for Glenn and Maggie is Glaggie ...However it doesn't really look official since the people claiming so were asking if this was correct or not 5. From what I can piece together there's never been an outright statement made on the show itself on what the EXACT. timeframe is between the start of the outbreak and Rick waking up ...One of the creators of the show voiced his own thoughts on when events took place and some people made an extensive list of events happening on the show to put it together in chronological order ...I think the creators could've done a bit of a better job at making things clearer though but perhaps it adds an extra sense of mystery to it ...Not fully knowing what's going on and all ...The numbers I gave you are as accurate as you can get them ...Basically we're in Season 2 and it's only been 9-ish days since Rick woke up 6. I mean you're not wrong ...Lori COULD. have just went to the toilet inside the house to pee on that stick ...But nah... This woman likes to have some draft going on while she pees I guess ...And who knows... Maybe she went to the well cause she also needed to poop and didn't wanna stink up the house (unrelated note: is half of that big walker still inside the well?) 7. I meaannn... Shane ISN'T completely wrong ...DOES. Sophia matter?? She's a kid ...This is a world where the undead have risen! ...Kids can be slow and loud ..They for sure would attract walkers and if you'd tell them to shut up they'd start crying which would ALSO. attract walkers ....Hey.. Froots... Pro-tip... In the very UNLIKELY. event this kinda shit would EVER. happen (it won't) ..But IF. ....If you wanna get a head start on some walkers ...Toss them a couple of children 8. Luckily for Daryl... Walkers are fucking stupid ...And that mothertrucker decided to go to town on Daryl's shoe INSTEAD. of his leg or something else fleshy or Daryl would've met an untimely death 9. Good job Andrea you dumbass... You didn't listen and ended up almost killing Daryl ...I hope you're proud of yourself 10. I dunno about Carol ..But if I'd find Lori crying over her son I'd be thinking "Bish... MY. daughter is missing.. The fuck you crying about!? Coral is gonna be fine!" 11. HA! Hershell: "Any idea what happened to my horse?" ..Daryl: "You mean the one that almost killed me? If it's smart enough it left the country" ...Didn't pick up on this until I was editing but I'm sitting here laughing imagining a horse at the airport wearing a disguise trying to "blend in" ...Cause it's desperately trying to get way from Daryl 12. Aight good job Daryl... Dude did more for Sophia than her father ever did in her whole life ...Is Daryl gonna be the new step-daddy? ..Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z Abridged! 13. Whoops... Turns out the Greene's have a bit of a walker situation going on in their barn ..I guess it makes sense now that Hershell told Rick they couldn't go near there