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All these years later I still can't wrap my head around why Katims made the 2 smartest ones of the group and the most careful hold up the convenience store to get into the basement in order to set up the conflict. And he was the sole credited writer so he can't pass the buck to anyone. But once I get over that humongous aspect of stupid writing of logic, I enjoyed everything else in the episode. It was unsettling though seeing the Season 2 credits edited in over the Season 3 ones. Hope you enjoy the wacky ride to come.


1. Yup... Leave it up to me to remember what you said and put it down into a note so you could sound smart the next episode ...You're welcome 2. Yeah... In a world where being gay was considered taboo.. Gay people used the earring on their right ear to secretly give other gay people the signal that they could call on them ....A gay batsignal if you will 3. THAT'S THE THING I ADDED!!! ....Ok we spoke about this earlier in voice before I started watching this shit ....You were like "You should add this to the edit.. and this.. and this" and I recalled a moment from weeks ago that I also added something you suggested but I didn't remember what is was while we were in voice .....You just jogged my memory ....I added Liz accusing Max and them that aliens killed Alex (and I deleted you suggesting it from the edit) 4. You know me... I got you covered ...As you guessed by now and as I also told you afterwards ...I edited in the old intro since the new one kinda gave some stuff away that I'm guessing all gets explained in 3x01 5. Lawyers CAN represent family members ...However from what I've found online of people saying they've done so ...It's more difficult to do since there's an emotional element there that wouldn't be there if the client WASN'T family ....If you suck at your job and your client (in this case we're talking Max since his foster dad is representing him) goes to jail after an unsuccesful trial ...That's not gonna go over well in the family ....Therefore lawyers advise not to represent family members ...At least the ones I found who commented about such a situation 6. HA! First scene with Isabel (when Max almost drowns) ...She's CLEARLY. wearing a wig ...The did NOT. hide it very well 7. Yeah we get it... This scene takes place in the present... This scene takes place in the past ....Can we NOT. have such washed out colours going on in the present?? It looks like something went wrong with the sun or something and it's shining EXTRA bright ...It looks weird ....Will the rest of the season ALSO. be lit the fuck up like this?? Cause that's the only way this present day filter would make sense ...If anything the past should have this crappy filter on it while the present should look normal (but seriously though.. get rid of the filter) 8. It's ok deputy... You can let Maria into Liz's cell... She's a friend of hers ...And yeah let her bring in some food too.. Bish is probably starving .........Preeeeeetttty fucking sure that's not how jails work ...But sure 9. Ok Isabel... Chill the fuck out ...You're trynna keep your relationship a secret cause he's 26 and you're "barely legal"?? ....Bish... You're 18... The age difference isn't THAT. big .....Also... Remember Rock Dude?? I'mma take a stab in the dark that he was at LEAST. 30-something yet HE. was free to yolo into your parents house 10. I'm sorry but no ....This is bullshit... Liz is getting sent to criminal court solely due to the store clerk's testimony??? ...Sure ...Yes... You DON'T NEED. to have the weapon to be able to convict someone.... But one single testimony of someone who saw a woman who according to the description he gave looked like it COULD. be Liz ..Robbing the store... Wearing a mask ....I'm fairly certain that kinda shit wouldn't work in a real court ...They'd need MORE. evidence than some guy claiming he saw someone who looked like Liz 11. YEAH! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! This whole time Max could've just snuck into this place when it was closed??? .....Or was it a 24/7 and was it just closed since it was taped off as a crime scene? .....I dunno... Unclear 12. Also... Max is seen going down a few steps worth of stairs and ends up in a sizeable hangar where the UFO used to be ....The interior of that place doesn't match the amount of steps he had to take to get in there ....This "underground hangar" would be EXTREMELY. visible right next to that store 13. HA! Yeah I was thinking the same thing ...Why did Liz's mum get in the backseat with her?? That was weird ...I've never in my daaamn life ever witnessed anyone NOT. calling shotgun if the opportunity presented itself ...That front passenger seat was WIDE. open ....Does Liz's mum not like her husband or something?? What's going on? 14. Yup this was a pretty Max/Liz centric episode ...And weirdly lit too... Hopefully things improve in the next one